TCS Interview Experience | Set 2 (On-campus Recruitment Drive)

I recently participated in an On-campus TCS recruitment drive and got selected as Junior Software Engg. In TCS. Here, I want to share my first day to last day experience with you. Please read it in deep and try to get what they are looking for.

Email: –

(1) Email writing (10 minutes)
(2) write all keywords in sequence,
(3) if minimum limit of 50 words is given. Then, write 71-79 words,
(4) Avoid spelling mistakes,
(5) don’t forget to use Dear and regards with names,
(6) Use Capital and Small letter at right place,
(7) save at least 4 minutes for checking at last,
(8) avoid such words which you have a doubt on spelling
(9) if name is not given use names like john, smith because they are easily recognizable.
*You can do email writing preparation on

Aptitude Test : –
30 Q in 80 minutes
1. Please pleaseplease prepare CAMPUS GATE completely

Yes, I cannot guarantee you now that many questions will be from this website. But, it will surely help you with some of the questions asked directly from this. So, you will save your time.

2. Solve ARUN SHARMA for the main concepts of QA.

3. Solve R.S. Agrawal (If you can in case you have some time).

4. #Note: – Now, TCS is also including Logical Reasoning (Prepare Analytical reasoning). Scientific Calculator is also allowed.

Previous Pattern: – 28 Q of QA + 2 Q of LR.
New Pattern: – Vary according to set by set
(1) 5-7 Q of LR + Remaining Q of QA.
(2) 12-14 Q of LR + Remaining Q of QA.
Due to LR questions. The pattern becomes more tuff. Prepare LR Very well.
Interview preparation-
• Go through the . It will help you a lot in your interview.

My Technical Round : –

Q: Which programming language you know better?
A: Answered

Q: Write a database connection code as well as retrieval of records from data in any language.
A: Wrote.

Q: Write a nested query.
A: Wrote.

Q: Explain that nested query.
A: Explained

Q: Make tables for that nested query and identify primary key and other keys.
A: Did.

Q: There are two programs, and Write some code so that these programs can send messages to each other.
A: Tried socket programming somewhat, But not correct exactly.

They saw my application form into their computer and said, “You are not the same guy as in the photo in application form.”
I said, “This is me”, again and again without any problem like stress and lack of confidence. This was just a type of stress testing. Be careful with such questions.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Said same as what I mentioned in my resume.

Q: What’s going on in IT industry? Anything fresh?
A: TCS market share has been down by 9.15% last night. (I heard it in morning from my classmates.)

Q: Your permanent address, phone no., Home no.?
A: Answered. (They were cross checking from my application form.)

Q: What are the areas of improvement in yourself based on this interview?
A: I don’t think any. If you can tell me, then it will be my pleasure.

They said, “You voice is loud”
I said, “Yes sir, my friends also say that I have a inbuilt loud speaker by birth.”
They said, “Hmm.”
Again they said, “Also you are looking little bit over confident.”
I said, “Yes sir, maybe, because I was trying to be confident.”
They said, “Yeah, improve in it.”
I said, “Yes sir, Thank you sir.”
They said, “yeah. You can go now.”

There are many more questions asked. But, I do not remember them. Guys they checked my basic knowledge completely. They were not actually sitting to check your knowledge. They actually check your confidence also. So, if u don’t know something. Say it clearly instead of making false statement…


# Be confident.
# Practice to enter in the room for that day.
# Explain in short.
# Have a smile on your face (descent) while explaining.
# U must have a deo and chewing gum for refreshing yourself
# Be Specific whatever you explain
# Properly dressed
# Check your body language
# Accept if u had made a mistake instantly
# It should be more conversational than Q and A session.

HR: –

Me: May I come in sir?
HR: yes

Me: Good Afternoon sir, May I sit
HR: Yes
HR: What should I ask you?
Me: Whatever you want to ask.

HR: Okay, Which type of questions do you want me to ask?
Me: Sir, please ask questions on real life.

HR: Okay, which questions?
Me: Like, How to deal with the world? How to live in a society?

HR: Okay. Tell me. How?
ME: I answered well as the question was of my choice or mine. I said I could know any person well in just 10-15 days.

HR: Suppose a foreign client with completely different tradition and culture came to work with you on a short term project of just 10 days. To work on this project together, you both must know each other well. But as you said you take 14-15 days to know a person, and here you have to finish the project within 10 days. What approach will you follow to deal with such situation?

ME: I will check his social networking profile like Facebook, Twitter etc. to know about him.

HR: He don’t have any account on these social networking sites. Then?
ME: I will ask about him with others who know him.

HR: Okay, this is one point, What else?
ME: I will try to spend more time with him like going for coffee or movie.

HR: And if client is female, then also you will go for movie with her?
ME: Sir, I can’t differentiate between males and females. This is my work and I will do it.
They smiled. ?
After that, they explained about TCS policy, bond, joining time details and I said, “Yes, yes sir”.
At last, they said yes, you can go now.
I said, “Sir, please may I ask something?”
They said, “Yes.”
ME: Sir, what are qualities a TCSian should have?
HR: you say.
ME: “I don’t know sir. But in technical I got some feedback. I can tell you.”
HR: say.
ME: I said whatever feedback I got in my technical round which was loud voice and over confidence.
HR: yes.. (Also they listed some improvements in mine).
ME: Thank you so much sir. ?

# If they ask you “Which post (developer, tester, management) you want to work” please don’t say any specific field. Say generic answer that u will do whatever company gives u. Then, after gaining some experience u will think.

……….………..…………. All the Best Guys …..……..……………

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