TCS Interview Experience | Set 16

TCS Recruitment process contains total 2 levels.

Round 1: It’s a test of 90 mins which contains
a) Verbal Ability ( Email writing – 10 mins)
b) Quantitative Aptitude( 18 + 2* Ques – 40 mins )
c) Programming Language Concept MCQ ( 8 + 2* Ques – 20 mins )
d) Coding Proficiency ( One Coding Ques – 20 mins )

Round 2: Technical + HR Interview
There were three Interviewers sitting ( one madam and two sirs )
At first I greet them Good morning.
Sir: It’s already noon ( with smiling face )
me: Actually Sir, it’s our first meet so I can also say Good morning. (replied with a smile)
Sir: ok ..Ok take your Seat. ( and from now they started asking me question one after another )
Madam: Ok Introduce Yourself.( Took my Document File from me for some paper verification )
Me: Told ( In Between that she asked me some Ques Like : What is N.G.O. …as it comes while telling my parents occupation )
( Always be prepare what you are going to put on your CV as well as Introduction, They can ask you any time )
Sir: Ok apart from your studies what are your hobbies?
Me: Drawing, Cooking.
Madam: Oooo..U know Cooking? Okk what can you cook well??
Me: Non-veg items.
Sir: What are your favorite subjects?
Me: Programming Languages like C, Java. (I am from CSE background, so I know that they can ask any subjects they want, so I told very few)
Sir: What are the differences between C and Java??
Me: Explained
Sir: What is OOPS concept??( This term comes while explaining ans of prev ques, So use only those words which you can explain )
Me: Explained
Sir: What are the Features of OOPS?
Me: Told
Sir: What is Polymorphism?? ( again from prev Ques )
I took help of rough paper which was present there to explain it with an example & then finally told the definition again.
madam:Why you want to join TCS?
Me: Told
sir: Suppose you have to do any project on a topic which is totally new for you then what resources is going to help you???
suppose if you will be given a limited time to learn COBOL.then ????
Me: explained in my way and sir was quite empressed.
They ask me a ques of Software engineering ( not studied yet as it was on our current sem ) so I told about it then sir started asking me question from DBMS
(Database Management System) such as Trigger.
again he came to C and asked about Pointers concept.
Me: explained
madam: Tell me any challenging moment of your life.
Me: told ( in between that she asked me so many cross questions….why this?? Why that?? )
Sir:How do you work under pressure??
Then the 2nd sir told me to write a code to check whether a character array is palindrome or not.
I started writing then he asked me about the logics and then ask that “Your name is Palindrome or not?”.
Me: told
2nd sir: okk your concept is clear. Now tell me how will you sort a double linked list??
Me: I thought he told me to reverse Double Linked list so I started explaining about single and double linked list at first then I realized that I don’t know how to sort Double Linked List
So I told him politely “Sorry sir, I don’t know it, but I know various normal sorting technique”
Sir: okk leave it. I was just checking your concept. It is clear. ( with a smile )
Madam: Are you ready to work at any location?, during Night Shifts??
Me: Told
Madam: How often do you go Home? because you wont be able to go home regularly after joining TCS.
Me: Told in good way ( in between that she did a lots of cross question )
Madam:Do you know about our service agreement ??
Me: Ya but can you please tell me about it in detail?
madam : Told about all service agreement after joining
Madam:Any Question you want to ask??
Me: I have listened about perusing Master degree which can be done while working in company. So can you please tell about it?
(Here ma’am again got a point to do cross question, so please dont ask any unnecessary question )
Sir:You want to do M.Tech or what??
Me: Actually I have not decided yet because I just want to do Job now.In future I’ll decide about it.
Madam: After Master will you join our company?
Madam: How can you assure that you will join our company?
Sir: Who knows, you will our company after 1-2 years……( They Were just checking that were I can handle these question or not. )
and Finally madam Told one thing that totally shocked me.
“It seems You are a kind of Honest person and TCS is not looking for a person like You”
these words totally changed my mood but still I remembered that my seniors have told me whatever the situation will come don’t be upset. just say “Sorry” if you did some mistake and don’t try to argue with them. So I did the same and now my interview is over .
It took about 35-40 mins to complete that Interview.
Madam’s word were stamped on my mind , and I was thinking that I am not going to be selected. My friends were saying that they were checking you.
and one of my senior bhaiya told me that if HR will tell you something about you then “you are 100% Selected”.
I was waiting for the result. and finally I got placed .
one thing I want to tell you all ” Don’t get panic about your result, just give your best in Interview and don’t argue with them”.

Also prepare for first round properly as coding is changed a bit. For some popular example follow SimpleWay2code

This article is contributed by Hrishabh 

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