TCS Interview Experience (Digital 2020-2021)

Round 1(Aptitude Test):

This was the first round of the placement process. It was held on the TCSION platform and online proctoring was on as it was held virtually, and we gave it from home. The round consisted of 1) 10 verbal questions for 5 minutes – paragraph-based questions and fill in the blanks of grammar 2) 15 quantitative aptitude questions for 40 minutes – topics were mainly profit-loss, percentage, permutation-combination, SI-CI, probability, allegation-mixture, work-time, and distance.

Round 2(Coding Test):

The next round will be a coding round that will have two coding problems of moderate level. A little coding knowledge will get you through this round. There was no proctoring in this round.

Round 3 (Interviews):

After successfully clearing the above two rounds you will get an interview call from the recruiters.

The interview had 3 people (Technical, Managerial, and HR): The HR interviewer started the interview with Tell me about Yourself. Followed by these questions – Why would you like to join TCS, What is your highest education and average marks, Is all semester marks greater than 6 CGPA, Do you have any backlog.

After HR, the Technical interviewer asked about my hackathon projects which were mentioned on my resume and the questions that followed were: your role in that project, What was the biggest challenge faced by you, how did you overcome that.

Then he asked about one of my deep learning project questions were – which algorithm used, which model used, why specifically used this model and algorithm, did you train the model, or you just did coding.

After the project discussion, he asked me for a real-time example of Ml and Dl. (I told about Amazon and the Flipkart recommendation system, news summary prediction app. He praised me for that)

Then asked if I had worked on the latest technologies like Ml, Dl ( I already explained my Dl project even though he asked this question) then asked if I know python (I said I do coding in CPP but did projects in python) then he asked if I am currently learning python (I said no currently not but in the future, I would love to work with python and latest technologies). Then he asked about the latest web development framework or if I worked on them or not. (because I mentioned web development in my resume).

The Managerial Interviewer asked me to explain about my internship role, the biggest challenges I faced during the internship(I told him about time management, communication with team members, how I stayed motivated and helped others to work under time constrain, how I learned new technologies during less time period, etc.)

Be confident about the things you mention in tell me about yourself because he will ask most of the questions from it.

The Interview lasted for 40 minutes, and I was selected.

Tips: Just be confident and try to answer as much as you know and deny anything that you don’t know (Honesty is what they seek). The interviewers were very friendly. So be calm and listen carefully and then only answer.

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