TCS Digital Interview Experience (On-Campus)

TCS Digital visited our college in October-2020.

Company – TCS (Digital Profile)

Job Profile – System Engineer


  • All Branches B.Tech, M.Tech 
  • % in X and XII – 60% or 6.0 CGPA
  • In Pursuing Degree – 70% or 7.0 CGPA
  • In UG (for PGs) – 60% or 6.0 CGPA

Round 1(Aptitude Test):

  • It was divided into two parts and was held in two days. First day it was Aptitude test  which consisted of Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability (Easy-Medium Level questions in both sections)
  • Next day was Coding Round. It consisted of two easy-medium level questions to be done in 60 minutes on TCS Platform

Question 1: (Gear Box)

Description: Given 3 mechanical gears that are connected to each other Find out how many times Gear3 will rotate given the radius of all 3 gears and the number of times Gear1 is rotated    

Time Limit: 1sec

Sample Test Case: 

1 10 1
Given R1=1, R2=10, R3=1  
So, if we rotate Gear1 100 times, 
Gear3 will rotate 100 times

Question 2: (Finding Co-ordinates)

Description: A security Company sends and receives the location coordinates in an encrypted manner. The encrypted coordinates will be in form of two strings, one will be the latitude and other longitudes

Decryption rules as follows:

  1. The last character of encrypted string denotes the direction latitude string(only two [n-North, s-South])  longitude string(other two [e-East, w-West])
  2. Except last character the string denotes integer value irrespective of  whether it is a latitude string or longitude string  
  3. The Integer part of the coordinate can be decoded as (Count of letter with maximum occurrences – Count of letter with minimum occurrences in string)
  4. All letters are in lower case

Time Limit: 1sec

Constraints : 4 <length of string <= 1000

Sample Test case : 

2 South 1 West

Around 610 students shortlisted for Interview round from 5010 students from our college

Round 2(Interview): There was only 1 round of interview which is comprised of  Technical+Managerial+HR and 3 different members were in the panel .

  • Firstly they asked to introduce myself and explain about my projects.
  • First person(Technical Interviewer) asked me which language I am comfortable with and I replied “JAVA” Asked why JAVA and asked to explain OOP’s Concepts in java, asked to explain Fibonacci series code using different approaches. 
  • Then Asked about SQL (types of Joins, types of Normalizations, ACID properties) and then asked me to share the screen and given 2 SQL queries which are related to JOINS concepts asked to write the code for them and I have written both.
  • Then Second Person(Managerial Interviewer) asked about recent project I have done and I have explained about one of the Machine Learning project I have done then he asked some basic questions related to ML. 
  • Then asked some basic questions related to Python (key features of python, list vs tuple, Why it is Interpreted Language). 
  • Then Started asking Situation and Behavioural type of questions like how do you handle pressure(Explain with situation), If one of your teammates dumps all of his work on you how would you react to that situation, how do you handle conflicts with coworkers, What makes you different from all other people in this panel for hiring you.
  • Then third person asked some standard HR type questions like:
  • Are you comfortable working with shifts?
  • Are you comfortable with relocation?
  • Do you have any history of arrears/backlogs?
  • Do you have any education gap?
  • Have you maintained 7.0 CGPA and above in all Semesters
  • Why would you like to join TCS? 


The Interview lasted for 45-50 minutes

After 20 days the results were announced, 160 students out of 610 from our college got selected and I was one of them.


  • Keep your basics strong
  • Try to be confident and keep smiling
  • The interviewer focuses on whatever written in the Resume, so try to be honest with it.
  • As it is a Digital Profile, Interviewer expects basic knowledge on any Latest Technologies like ML/AI, IoT, Cloud Computing etc, so please be prepared for that.


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