TCS Digital Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2022

On a beautiful morning in 2022, the sun was quite high when I stepped out of the gates of the college to which I belonged for the past four years. At the moment, the anxiety and excitement were both awesome as I was ready to make the TCS digital interview. I cannot say that I was fully aware of how these events have impacted my career later on and they will be an inseparable part of the memory.

Introduction: National Qualifier Test (NQT)

Before the interview, there was the tough National Qualifier Test (NQT). It was a battleground where thousands of aspiring engineers fought for a coveted spot at TCS Digital. NQT tested our aptitude in aptitude, coding and reasoning. The nights of restless nights on which I battled with coding problems, attempted algorithms and became a master of data structures will remain with me. The day came as all the exams did, and I went to the examination hall with adrenaline shooting through my veins. The questions were however tough, though I did not give up. Finally, with just one day left, when the results arrived, I was very glad to find out my name was on the list for the TCS Digital Interview.

Facing the interview:

Technical phase

The panel for the interview consisted of three persons – two technical experts and one representative from the HR department. The moment I walked in, I felt as if my heart was escaping from my body and it was beating so fast. The first question was deceptively simple: “Tell us about yourself.” I take a deep breath and tell them the story of myself, which includes the reasons I love programming and solving problems.

Technical grilling began. Here are some important moments:

  • Coding proficiency: They asked me to write code on paper. I solved problems related to arrays, strings and linked lists. Remember, clarity of thought matters more than speed. I explained my approach, discussed edge cases, and optimized my solutions.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Questions were asked on trees, graphs and dynamic programming. I drew diagrams, explained traversal techniques, and justified the time complexities. It was important to focus on these basics.
  • Projects: They checked the projects listed in my resume. I described my role, the challenges I faced, and the impact of each project. Be prepared to dive deep into your work.

HR Round

The HR round was a mix of personal and situational questions:

  • Behavioural question: “Tell us about a time when you faced a difficult situation in a team project.” I shared an incident where conflicting opinions jeopardized our project’s deadline. Honesty and teamwork were my focus.
  • Why TCS Digital?: They asked why I specifically wanted to join TCS Digital. I highlighted my interest in emerging technologies like AI, ML and Blockchain – which are central to TCS Digital.
  • Adaptability: “How do you handle change?” I emphasized my flexibility and eagerness to learn.

Result: Wait and Offer

As I walked out of the interview room, I repeated each question in my mind. The wait was nerve-wracking. Days turned into weeks, and then the email came – an offer letter from TCS Digital! The happiness was beyond words. I broke it!

Lessons learned

  1. Preparation: Frequent practice and understanding of basic concepts is essential. Modify data structures, algorithms, and your favourite programming language.
  2. Communication: Express your ideas clearly. Even if you don’t know the answer immediately, discuss your viewpoint logically.
  3. Projects: Since there is no room for error, make sure you know your projects well. Make sure that you are ready to provide the technical framework, describe the hardships you encountered, and contribute as well.
  4. Attitude: Be Optimistic, Listening and Responding, and Display Enthusiasm.

Essentially, these days TCS Digital Interview is not just a chance to test technical skills; It is a chance to test yourself on character, determination and enthusiasm. As I plunged into the sphere of offline work, I carried with me the lessons I have learned from these emotional experiences. So, my adventure started – a quest made up of wonder, resolution, and recollection when I took the TCS Digital Interview on that bright morning.

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