TCS Digital Interview Experience 2020

I got selected for TCS digital and being from the Mechanical branch I thought it was going to be hard for me but thankfully I made it. This experience of mine would not only help non-IT branches but IT branches as well. I have cleared interviews of a few other companies as well so I hope this helps you all.

So, Firstly I would start with the exam pattern and then move on to the Interview part.

TCS visited my college in September and the tests were conducted in October (before NQT). Since my college is one of the top colleges (VIT Vellore) where TCS visits directly for the Digital Offer So I did not have to go through NQT.

There were 3 rounds:

Round 1(Quantitative aptitude + English proficiency): 

  1. English: 15 Questions in 10 mins.  The difficulty was easy-medium.
    Preparation tips: Since nobody actually prepares for English, people mostly depend on their experience (like how much you read). So it would be better if you have a reading habit be it a book or an article. But if you want to get better at reading fast I would recommend doing a Reading Comprehension test from indiabix daily.

  2. Quantitative aptitude: 25 Questions in 40 mins. The difficulty was medium.  
    Preparation tips: Firstly, I cleared all my topics from a YouTube channel called CareerRide. Then I used to do 2 random aptitude tests from indiabix daily to increase my accuracy and reduce the time taken.

Round 2(Advance Coding): This happened on the next day to round 1. And judging from the exam pattern available to us I was expecting One high difficulty question to be completed in one hour but two my surprise there were 2 questions in the test to be completed in one hour.

  1. It was basically a basic mathematical problem, if you are able to get the maths then the code’s output was just addition, subtraction, and division of a few given input values. It took me barely 15-20 mins to solve.
  2. This was a problem based on the covid-19 scenario and if you have knowledge of ArrayList/vector (I use java) kind of data structures this was an easy problem. It barely took me 15-20 mins and my test was completed before time.

Preparation: First, have a good knowledge of any one language, it can be JAVA, C++, or C anything you like. I mastered java only after the lockdown so you can do it as well. I used to solve easy-medium questions on CodeChef consistently. And before the exam, I practiced old CodeVita questions for about 5 days.

Pro Tips: While solving coding questions keep in mind the “Edge cases” many of my friends were not able to clear the advanced coding because of the Edge cases (code is good but fails on a few test cases). So solving questions from CodeChef or w3wiki would really help in understanding the Edge cases. 

Also, the language of questions can be story-like and it may take time for you to read it but be patient as the question is mostly easy. CodeChef, Codeforces has story-based questions, so practicing from these sites would really improve you all around.

This test was done on the Same compiler as CodeVita.

Round 3(Interview Round): This was the most interesting round and the round I was least prepared for. So after about 8-12 days, I get the mail of being shortlisted and the date of my interview was to be announced later. But at the same time, I was preparing for another company’s interview which was a core company So I kept TCS digital aside. I had in my mind that I would need to put some good projects in my resume for the digital interview as I was from the mechanical branch.

A couple of days passed and I gave the interview for the other company and now I was thinking to prepare for TCS’s interview but the same Night I get the mail that my TCS interview is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Now I knew that the night was going to be long, all my plans for preparing a Machine Learning project and a few more good projects had crashed.

But I did not lose hope, before all this, I had learned HTML, CSS, and a little about ReactJS. I put all my thoughts together and prepared a web Project the same night which was based on a Social cause, I used my old HTML pages to design the new webpage. By the end, I was quite satisfied with the project and I put one old ReactJs project of mine in the Resume as well. Now I had two projects in my resume and I quickly updated it in the TCS portal (also luck, as I had previously forgotten to submit my final form this is why I could update).  

Now, the time for the interview had come! There were 3 panelists in the interview, one Technical and two HR. Firstly, the interviewers introduced themselves and Good morning was exchanged. The interview starts now, 

Technical Interview was First: The project I made last night quickly drew his attention and the discussion started with it. The questions were as follows:

  1. So I can see some interesting projects in your resume So why don’t you tell me about this project, why you made this? I explained my thought process in detail and explained how this project would better society.
  2. What technologies did you use to make this project? I told him HTML and CSS and a hint of JavaScript. Now there were quite a few questions relating to HTML and CSS and I answered them as I had studied these well.
  3. Now he asked about my CodeVita experience? I told how it was a learning experience for me, how I improved myself after CodeVita, and what new skills I have developed.
  4. How would you implement JAVA on this project? I explained the different classes I would make to add functionality to the project. This went on for a while.
  5. So you have given 4 stars to yourself in java? (I smiled and said yes as I was quite confident in java).
  6. Tell me about 3 important parts of OOPS? This one was easy, I explained encapsulation, inheritance, and abstraction thoroughly.
  7. Now he asked me to open a notepad and told me to solve a question in which I had to count the repetition of letters in a Given string with as shortcode as possible. My old CodeChef practice paid off and I solved it in less than 5 mins.
  8. What do you understand by DOM? I had studied this while learning ReactJS so I answered fluently.
  9. Now he saw my resume and I had given myself 2 stars in ReactJs, So he asked smiling frankly how much do you know about this? I told him all about ReactJS and since I had made projects in ReactJS so I was much better than 2 stars in terms of knowledge So he was surprised.
  10. What do you know about ReactJS and its functionality? I explained thoroughly.
  11. He asked me one last question about custom tags in HTML. I clearly told him that I did study this much, but explained about custom tags in ReactJS.

Now I could see on his face that he was very impressed with my spontaneity and knowledge. And half of my work was done when I impressed him with the Project.

With this, he was satisfied and handed me over to the second Interviewer!

HR Interview: This was fairly simple, they just want to see how to react to different situations.

  1. Tell me about yourself? Keep this prepared but don’t over-prepare. The more natural it looks the better. Also, keep a little smile on your face and do show excitement when you are telling something interesting.
  2. If you become a react developer, but we put you on some other technology what would you do? I said I would take this as an opportunity to learn some new technologies such as MachineLearning or AI.
  3. But if we put you on some backward technology like which is not in trend what would you do? I said in this case as well the projects I make can be innovative and on the side, I can always keep on learning new things.

So I hope you get the gist of what kind of questions are presented!

3rd interviewer did not ask much he only checked documents and other certain formalities.

With this, my interview ended.


  • Keep your resume interesting, something unique which catches the interviewer’s attention would be a plus point and it would help you drive the interview in the direction you want.
  • Be realistic when you mention skills in the resume, like in my case if had given myself 4-5 stars in ReactJS I would have been grilled in ReactJS.
  • Practice well in front of the mirror (helps in knowing the eye contact and expressions you are making).
  • Be knowledgeable about everything you write in your resume.
  • Try to understand what the job profile is asking and keeps things related to it in the resume.
  • Be frank if you don’t know something
  • Know about yourself (One question from HR was – What is the meaning of your name?)
  • I prepared a lot of things at the last moment that was a mistake, I could have made a better Machine Learning project as well. So prepare beforehand and give your best in making well-thought projects (Try to add creativity rather than doing an old basic project).
  • Preparation provides confidence, so prepare well!! (Consistency is the Key)

One more Thing I studied all this in about 3 months so if I can You can as well! Also, I cleared the other company as well :).


Learning Source:

  • Java:
  • HTML & CSS:

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