TCS Digital and Ninja Interview Experience For Freshers

The role is for an associate software engineer in TCS. It contains 3 rounds

The first round is an online assessment, and it is conducted in the form of NQT which is the National Qualifier Test, and it is conducted all over India. It is about 3 hours and we have 2 sections, the first section is a normal section, and the second section is an advanced section. In the first section, there are 3 categories in which Quant, reasoning, and English are there, the time is shared for all 2 sections, and you are not given specific timing for each section. The second section is an advanced section in this Quant and Reasoning is given in an advanced way which is a little bit different and time taking coding is also under this section which contains 2 coding questions of 1 medium and 1 easy level. You have to code all test cases of coding questions and you have to score 75%in all Quant, reasoning, and English sections to qualify for the interview for the digital role, if you don’t code any 1 coding question you are eliminated and you have to pass 2 or more test cases in any 1 coding problem along with good aptitude and English marks to qualify for Ninja Interview.

There are 2 rounds in the Interview, one is Technical and the other is HR.

In the Technical round, you are asked questions on skills that you have mentioned in your resume and the first question is to introduce yourself, if you give your introduction in a good manner and if you impress the interviewer, you are just asked 4 or 5 questions and if you answer maximum questions you are moved to the next round which is HR round.

During the HR round interviewer will ask about your personals and some tricky questions like why we need to select you and if you are from the core background, they will ask you why you want to shift from core to the IT sector if you manage these questions, you are almost selected and little bit luck is needed if you are attending Off Campus drives.

If the role is Digital, you have only 1 round of Interview in which the HR, MR, and Technical round is done. The 3 interviewers will ask you questions according to your branch as well as IT sector and you need to explain the code, they asked you and you have to show how the code is running and you need to write your code in a text editor and if you went well through this round, you are almost selected if you are from IT branch and you are given Ninja role if you are from the core branch.

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