TCS Codevita Season 8 Interview 2019-Noida

So Hello All, It began with applying to Codevita Contest Season 8 2019. There were Mock vita’s for the first time for Codevita in Season 8, there were two mockvita organised. Mock vita’s had the same difficulty level as code vita but some questions were more tough. Pre-Qualifier Round (Round 1): It was a 24 hours contest window and each participant is provided with 6 hours to solve the questions.So it started from 3pm on first day and end’s on the next day at 3pm in afternoon. So what’s the next was to choose the best time to sit for 6 hour’s to attempt the contest in order to solve 6 coding questions, so i choosed the best time slot starting at 9pm to 3am on the first please choose your time accordingly so that you can give your best. Round 1: CodeVita Round 1 contest start and end date 3PM, 12July 2109 – 3 PM, 13 July 2019 12 July:: It consisted of 6 coding questions of different levels to be solved in 6 hours that’s enough time to solve questions for a good coder.It consisted questions from String Manipulations, Array Manipulations, Matrix Manipulations and other more just you will be using data structures like queue and stack for solving questions. I solved 2 Coding questions and gave up solving the third at 1am in late night. So finally got into confidence that i will be called for interview. 22 July: So after 9 days i got a mail saying you Cleared the Round 1 and eligible for 2nd Round. 26 July:Got a second Mail saying you will be called for interview soon. 30 July:Mail Regarding Interview Schedule that was just on the next day, So don’t go anywhere outside, don’t miss the interview. 31 July:The interview was scheduled on this day my slot was 9:00 AM, i reached at 8AM in the morning in XYZ college in Noida all the students those were called for the interview were sitting in a conference hall all waiting for there chance it all started with submission of document that is your TCS Application form that is very very necessary to take a printed copy with you so please don’t forget or you will be seen running to the nearest printing shop. My chance came at 2PM on the day around 5 hours late so plan accordingly your food as you can’t go outside anytime you can be called for the interview. Interview::: Round 1::: It was the first round there was a computer lab where the interview was held it was temporarily converted into a interview room there were four interview’s going on in the same room. There were two interviewers in the panel: 1st Interviewee is represented as A and other represented as B A:Introduce yourself.? A:How was you day? A:You have solved Marathon Question can you write the solution(Note:It’s very important that you write the same solution as you did previously so please keep you code safe written in a notepad or a notebook because you will be asked and if you say you forget you will be asked to leave immediately.They will be matching your answer because they will be having the same code that you wrote in codevita contest) A:Can you write a program for finding factorial of a number? B:What is Software Engineering? B:What is SDLC(Software Development life cylce)? B:What are SDLC Models? B:Name all SDLC Models? and Explain Them? B:Best SDLC Model? B:Why Agile Model? A:What do you know about TCS? All questioned answered. ? Round 2:HR Round HR:Introduce Yourself? HR:We had conversation on My home city.(Interesting) HR:Why you don’t wear Glasses?(Wearing in the photo of my resume:: Tough Question But was well Defended.) HR:Why TCS? HR:What were your projects? HR:What were your achievements? HR:Who is CEO of TCS? HR:Who is Director of TCS? HR:Tell me about TCS? HR:Tell me about your Hobbies and Interest? HR:Justify your Hobbies? HR:We have a bond policy do you know about it?Informing me. HR:You can now go for the Day? HR:Do you have some questions to ask? All questions answered well with justification except two that who is CEO, and Director question but managed telling the hr that i was not prepared for the interview.

Tip:::: 1.Students from different slots would be coming after the interview ask them which questions they were asking and be prepared. 2.Students who will be going to the same Panel, if you are also assigned to the same then you can ask what was asked.Me and my Friend was interviewed by the same panel both Technical and HR and Most of the questions were same.But we were called one after the other so no offence!!! So from 31st July i was waiting for the result (Note:If you are selecting TCS You have to also select Patience, so be calm and wait for your results) To know when results will be declared then you can join TCS Telegram Channel (  (it’s Official) and Code Chef’s Discussion Thread. Result Came on 19 August 2019:)        

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