TCS Codevita Interview Experience

Hello Everyone,

With this article, I wish to share my Codevita Interview Experience with you. I sat for Codevita season 11 in November 2023, where I solved 1 question in round 1. So after about 1-1.5 months, I got selected for round 2. My rank in round 1 was 3k. In Round 2, there were more difficult questions compared to Round 1, but I managed to solve 1 question again in round 2. So my Final rank after round 2 was AIR 645.

We even had a TCS – Tag Test this year, which was newly introduced, and the questions were much easier than Codevita, for obvious reasons. Though I was very happy with my performance in both Codevita and the Tag test, I had to wait like 2.5 months to get any interview update. So during mid-Ramzan, I got a mail for a Digital Interview that was scheduled on 3-Apr-2024 in Geetanjali Park Office, Newtown Kolkata. So now I was just 1 step behind my goal.

Now comes the D-day: 3-Apr-2024. TCS-Geetanjali is a beautiful office. I immediately felt an urge to work in an office like that. So after like waiting for 5 hours, I got my name called out, and I went to the interview room. There were 3 people sitting there. So they started by asking me to introduce myself, which I did, where I mentioned all my positive points, how I was selected for the Martian Summer Internship at Persistent Systems and Data Science internship at Gnosis lab (Startup), went up to the interview round of Salesforce, my projects, my skills, and finally, I ended with my final rank of the round which was 645, where I emphasized a bit to attract them, I guess, which worked actually.

They immediately asked me how many questions I had, do I remembered the problem statement, and what approach did I use. So they asked me something which I exactly wanted them to ask. I have been practicing my codes for a long time, and hence I explained my code and intuition very elaborately. Like I practiced how I would approach this question, which was: Intuition -> Dry run -> Code -> Data structures used -> time and space complexity. I took around 15 minutes to explain my first question and thought they would ask me about my second question as well, but they didn’t. Maybe because they understood that I was well versed in it.

So they came straight away to my Project, which were a React Movies Dashboard, a Movies Recommendation System using Streamlit, and a Random Password generator. For a Service-based company, these were very good projects, and I explained them about my projects, again slowly and taking as much time as possible. I explained how I came up with these ideas, how I took help from Stack Overflow, my mentor at my college, and ChatGPT to solve bugs and errors, and this again went on for another 15 minutes or so.

Now they started asking managerial questions, here it’s all about the presence of mind and how attractively or out of the box can you think and quickly as well. Questions were:

Your company sent you to meet a client and discuss the project details with him. Now he is an important client for your company, you are the team lead. But the client is Spanish, doesn’t understand English, and you don’t understand Spanish. Now how will you communicate with him and get the project from him?

Your manager got you a project from a client of the company, and you are the project head for that project. So your manager asked you to bring your personal laptop to the company and get all the project details from the client on your laptop, and since the project is very important and has to be done as soon as possible, you might have to work on weekends and complete the project and deliver it to the client. What will you do in this situation? P.S. Do not say that I will do whatever I am asked to do, and I am very hardworking and will definitely work on weekends to deliver as soon as possible. (Because that’s what I said there) This was a tricky question that was asked to me to test how much I know about TCS policies. So one of the ladies in the room said that TCS has a Zero tolerance policy towards sharing client data to any employee directly. Moreover, bringing a personal laptop in the company is also not allowed. You would get terminated immediately when caught. So think as an answer wisely.

You are assigned a team, and you are the team lead for that project. You have an idea how to move ahead with the project and how to approach the problem statement, moreover your more experience in this company. So you think your approach would be appropriate to deliver on time, but you have two other members in your group who don’t quite agree with you, and want to move ahead with their approach as they came up with a different idea to handle the project. So here arises a conflict. How would you resolve this conflict?

My managerial round was the longest and the trickiest part of my interview, which ran for about 25-30 minutes. Lastly, she asked me basic questions, like can you relocate, can you work from the office 5 days a week, etc. And my interview was over. So my interview ran for about 45-50 mins, where I got stuck at some places, and was confident and accurate at some.

So after desperately waiting for almost 7 days, I finally got my Offer Letter, where I was offered a Digital Role at TCS. (Irony: The Offer Letter came a day before Eid – 11:16 PM, and I saw it on Eid!!!!!). So a win-win situation for me and the best Eid Ever….

I would say w3wiki have helped me a lot over the last 2 years in my coding journey. Till now, I have solved 590+ problems and sat for many weekly coding contests on this platform. And ultimately, this helped me crack one of the most prestigious job offers in India – TCS Digital (Off-Campus).

Hope it Help

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