tcpdump Command in Linux with Examples

tcpdump is a packet sniffing and packet analyzing tool for a System Administrator to troubleshoot connectivity issues in Linux. It is used to capture, filter, and analyze network traffic such as TCP/IP packets going through your system. It is many times used as a security tool as well. It saves the captured information in a pcap file, these pcap files can then be opened through Wireshark or through the command tool itself.

Installing tcpdump tool in Linux

Many Operating Systems have tcpdump command pre-installed but to install it, use the following commands. For RedHat based linux OS

yum install tcpdump

For Ubuntu/Debian OS

apt install tcpdump

Working with tcpdump command

1. To capture the packets of current network interface

sudo tcpdump

This will capture the packets from the current interface of the network through which the system is connected to the internet. 2. To capture packets from a specific network interface

sudo tcpdump -i wlo1

This command will now capture the packets from wlo1 network interface. 3. To capture specific number of packets

sudo tcpdump -c 4 -i wlo1

This command will capture only 4 packets from the wlo1 interface. 4. To print captured packets in ASCII format

sudo tcpdump -A -i wlo1

This command will now print the captured packets from wlo1 to ASCII value. 5. To display all available interfaces

sudo tcpdump -D

This command will display all the interfaces that are available in the system. 6. To display packets in HEX and ASCII values

sudo tcpdump -XX -i wlo1

This command will now print the packets captured from the wlo1 interface in the HEX and ASCII values. 7. To save captured packets into a file

sudo tcpdump -w captured_packets.pcap -i wlo1

This command will now output all the captures packets in a file named as captured_packets.pcap. 8. To read captured packets from a file

sudo tcpdump -r captured_packets.pcap

This command will now read the captured packets from the captured_packets.pcap file. 9. To capture packets with ip address

sudo tcpdump -n -i wlo1

This command will now capture the packets with IP addresses. 10. To capture only TCP packets

sudo tcpdump -i wlo1 tcp

This command will now capture only TCP packets from wlo1.

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