Tata Consultancy Services CodeVita Interview Experience 2020

Round 1 (Codevita): All who completed at least one question in code vita 2020 were called for an interview. My code vita contest belongs to TCS Zone 2. My TCS Codevita Zone 2 happened on 15 August 2020. I have solved 2 questions from 6 questions. The Codevita contest was 6 hours duration. Be careful during the contest, they take plagiarism seriously. If you help from any other source, please mention the site link in the given box for helping resources, it will be not considered any plagiarism. Because TCS believes in honesty. 

After 2 weeks, I got an interview invitation mail. As I secured the rank 1876 in the TCS Codevita Round 1. 

 Interview Experience: Due to the covid pandemic, the whole interview process was online. My interview happened with Microsoft Team online platform. There were three people taking the interview simultaneously. One was asking technical questions, one managerial questions, and one HR.

My interview started at 6 pm. The whole interview duration was around 1 hour. After entering the online interview process, the Interviewer first checked my college id and my Government id. After that, the Interview was started. Firstly, They tell me to introduce myself.

Then, asked me about my code vita solved question and ask me to tell the logic behind the solved question. Then, asking me about my favorite subject and favorite programming language.

Technical Question:

  1. What is the full form of VPN?
  2. Asking about OSI Layer and their name, their function.
  3. Asking about the port number of DNS, SMTP.
  4. What is a Linked List?
  5. Who is much better between a single linked list and a doubly-linked list and why?
  6. Asking about different types of SQL, their full form, and examples.
  7. Asking about the difference between 2NF and 3 NF.
  8. What is Foreign Key, Tuple?
  9. Asking me to write the code on a notepad about Coin Change Problem. Firstly they asked me to tell the logic, then write the code.
  10. Then they asked me to write the code one pattern type program. I don’t remember the exact question.

Then, they asked me about my project which I mention in my resume. After that, the HR question to me.

  • The question like about the relocation, why they hire me etc.
  • Lastly, one interview person told me that I need to be developed my communication skill and speak slowly. As I speak so fast in the interview.
  • The three interviewers were so friendly with me during the interview.
  • There were also some more questions. I didn’t remember those questions.

After 2 weeks, I got my interview result. And the interview result was that I couldn’t clear the interview process. Maybe due to my communication skill, I rejected or anything reason, I didn’t know.

This is my whole interview process. I think it will be helpful to someone.

NB: Don’t write false things in the resume. Communication skill is important. Lastly, be confident, they can check your confident skill.

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