Tangents in Everyday Life

In geometry, a tangent is a straight line that touches a curve at a single point. Tangents have many applications in everyday life, from architecture to engineering to physics. We say that a tangent is a line that touches the curve at an external point.

What are Tangents?

A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve at a single point. The point of intersection is known as the point of tangency. The slope of a tangent line at a given point is equal to the derivative of the curve at that point.

Applications of Tangents

Tangents have several important applications across various fields, particularly in mathematics, physics, engineering, and geometry. Some applications of tangents are:

  • Geometry and Trigonometry
  • Architecture
  • Engineering and Design

Now, let’s learn the same in detail.

Geometry and Trigonometry

Tangents play an important role in the study of curves. They are lines that touch a curve at a single point, perpendicular to the curve’s radius at that point. Tangents are used to define geometric properties such as the radius, diameter, chord, and arc length of circles.


Tangents are used to design curves in buildings, such as arches and domes. By using tangents, Architects use tangents to create curves that are pleasing to the eye.

Engineering and Design

Tangents are used to design curves in roads, bridges, and other structures. By using tangents, engineers can create curves that are safe and efficient for travel. Curves are used in automotive design, aerospace engineering, and civil engineering to design roads, bridges, and other structures with smooth transitions and efficient curves.


Tangents are used to analyze the motion of objects. For example, the tangent to a projectile’s trajectory at any point represents the direction of the projectile’s velocity at that point.

Tangent in Day-to-Day Life Situations

Various uses of tangents in day-to-day life are added below:

  • Designing a Parabolic Arch
  • Designing a Circular Bridge
  • Analyzing Motion of a Projectile
  • Designing a Roller Coaster
  • Designing a Car Race Track
  • Designing Golf Course
  • Designing Skateboard Park

Learn more about the same in detail in the article below:

Designing a Parabolic Arch

A parabolic arch is a curve that is shaped like a parabola. Parabolas are often used in architecture to create arches and domes. To design a parabolic arch, architects use tangents to determine the shape of the curve.

Designing a Circular Bridge

A circular bridge is a bridge that is shaped like a circle. Circular bridges are often used to span rivers and other obstacles. To design a circular bridge, engineers use tangents to determine the shape of the curve.

Analyzing Motion of a Projectile

When a projectile is launched, it follows a parabolic trajectory. The tangent to the projectile’s trajectory at any point represents the direction of the projectile’s velocity at that point. By analyzing the tangent, physicists can determine the projectile’s speed and direction at any point in its trajectory.

Designing a Roller Coaster

Roller coasters are designed to provide riders with a thrilling experience. To design a roller coaster, engineers use tangents to determine the shape of the track. The tangents ensure that the roller coaster is safe and provides riders with a smooth ride.

Designing a Car Race Track

Car race tracks are designed to provide drivers with a challenging and exciting experience. To design a car race track, engineers use tangents to determine the shape of the track. The tangents ensure that the track is safe and provides drivers with a fair race.

Designing Golf Course

Golf courses are designed to provide golfers with a challenging and enjoyable experience. To design a golf course, architects use tangents to determine the shape of the fairways and greens. The tangents ensure that the golf course is fair and provides golfers with a variety of challenges.

Designing Skateboard Park

Skateboard parks are designed to provide skateboarders with a safe and fun place to practice their skills. To design a skateboard park, architects use tangents to determine the shape of the ramps and bowls. The tangents ensure that the skateboard park is safe and provides skateboarders with a variety of challenges.

FAQs on Tangents

What is a tangent?

A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve at a single point.

Where are tangents used in real life?

Tangents are used in architecture, engineering, and physics.

How are tangents used in architecture?

Tangents are used to design curves in buildings, such as arches and domes.

How are tangents used in engineering?

Tangents are used to design curves in roads, bridges, and other structures.

What are real-life applications of tangents?

Some real-life applications of tangents include designing parabolic arches, circular bridges, roller coasters, car race tracks, golf courses, and skateboard parks.

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