Project Idea | Animal Welfare and Wellness Web Application
Abstract — Drawing the idea from the influence of social networking sites on our day-to-day life and Web Application for the betterment of pets that will be developed by using the concept of native Web Application development....
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Project Idea | Innovate Email
Project Title : Innovate Email...
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Project Idea | Virtual Health Assistant
Introduction: One of the most common problems faced by today’s people is a lack of knowledge of diseases and a lack of immediate first aid consultation. Due to this many people may suffer from physical and mental stress as they try to figure out the reason for their condition. In some cases, they even lost their lives and common diseases become life-threatening. Now Virtual Health Assistant comes into action. It is a web service in which the proposed system tries to eliminate users’ need to figure out their disease by giving them access to a centralized clinical repository in a much interactive manner. Users can also ask questions regarding their disease and even book online and offline appointments with doctors....
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Project Idea – A website acting as transaction between oxygen sellers and buyers
In the present Covid19  situation it has become the need of the hour to find Oxygen sellers in an area. Many people lose their lives due to not finding the oxygen seller in their area. We have come up with a solution for that. What if there was a website where all you needed to do was enter your city name and it showed all the places where you could buy oxygen near you. It will be awesome right!. That’s what we have done....
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Project Idea | ShoppingLane Online Shopping Website
This project is regarding a very simple idea, but yet, important and quite helpful to society. Here, we are planning to build an E-commerce (online shopping) website. The name of the website will be “ShoppingLane”. We all know that the business-to-consumer aspect of product commerce is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods online. In this fast-pacing and the time-changing world, online shopping has been one of the most flourishing industry hubs....
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Project Idea | NextVAC Platform
Project Title : NextVAC platform Team details:...
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Project Idea | Build an AR based music learning platform using the MERN Stack
In this article, we will be building an AR-based web app called GuitAR. It teaches users to learn guitar by projecting the strings that are to be plucked on the guitar in the user’s camera feed. Now, all the user has to do is to pluck the highlighted strings to play a particular song. Here is an sample image for better understanding....
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Project Idea | Pocket Charter
A document is a written, drawn, presented, or memorialized representation of thought often the manifestation of non-fictional as well as fictional content. Documents mean any matter expressed or described upon the substance by means of letters, figures or marks, etc....
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Project Idea | Anonymous Message Prank Game in PHP
In this article, we are going to learn concepts of database, how to make a simple game using PHP and MySQL, how can we implement a database in which we send secret messages for a particular user, how to arrange tables in the database and Also we learn some security issues that how can we save our web apps from these security issues....
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Project Idea | Psy-care
India accounts for 36.6 percent of the total suicides in the world. Every single day, an average of 381 people commit suicide and more than 83% of people are agonizing from mental health issues. Still, most people in our country find it uncomfortable to talk to medical professionals because of poverty or fear from society. The persisting stereotypes in the country have made people believe that mental illness is in fact, not an illness. There have been many advancements in science and technology in recent years which have made it possible to cure almost any ailment. Yet when we talk about one’s mental health, our country falls behind....
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Project Idea | FILEit – An online filing system
FILEit is an online filing system, where one can keep a record of its purchases and additional perks that come along with it.  It is a web app designed to ease the user’s after-purchase experience of a product. Not only it helps the user save time but also money....
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Project Idea | Fuel Balance
The idea is to make an app that will help in correcting the demand-supply gap in the recycling of Used Cooking Oil (UCO). The unmonitored release of the UCO has become a matter of concern to environmental safety and is an opportunity lost by the small vendors who can use it to earn income by supplying it to the big companies for recycling. We are aiming to create a platform that can deal with both the problems in the most elegant way and also make way for employment and revenue generation. For small vendors/shops, the idea of earning money over waste products is uncommon. This is due to the lack of information flow and the inability to meet up the required demand. Through this app, we will generate extra income for sellers(vendors) and meet the large quantities of demand by the buyers(companies) for re-cycle....
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