What is Upsampling in MATLAB?
In this article, we will see Upsampling in MATLAB. As we know that upsampling is the process of increasing the sampling rate, i.e, increasing the number of samples. When an upsampling functions on a series of samples of a signal or other continued function, it has an estimation of the row that would have been received by sampling the signal at a higher rate. Upsampling is the method of putting zero-valued samples between actual samples to increase the sampling rate. The number of zeros between the samples is decided by the sampling factor L, (Number of zeros = L-1)....
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MATLAB – Read images using imread() function
MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. It is a high-performance language that is used for technical computing. It was developed by Cleve Molar of the company MathWorks.Inc in the year 1984. It is written in C, C++, Java. It allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions, implementation of algorithms, and creation of user interfaces....
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Categorical Arrays in MATLAB
In MATLAB, categorical is a data type which can assign values from a finite, discrete set of values. For example, consider there are three categories, ‘positive’, ‘negative’, and ‘null’ so, a categorical array, which is an array of categorical data type, will only take data which has values from the above three categories. So, a categorical array from the above categories could be:...
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Nested Functions in MATLAB
Functions in any programming language are some blocks of code, which could be reused whenever required, by just calling the name. It reduces so much of human effort and also rewriting of the same code, and makes the entire code big....
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Simulink in MATLAB
MATLAB which is also known as “Matrix Laboratory” allows its user to manipulate matrixes, plotting of functions and data, creation of algorithms, and user interfaces written in different programming languages by providing a computing environment. MATLAB is software designed and powered by mathworks.com. One can install it in different operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, and Linux as well as get access to the online platform....
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MATLAB Annotation
Annotations in MATLAB is a way of adding explanation or notes to the plots. Annotations add more information to the plots. There are different syntax formations for adding annotations to a plot:...
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MATLAB – Differentiation
In general, differentiation is nothing but the rate of change in a function based on one of its variables. MATLAB is very useful in solving these derivatives, integrals etc. There are certain rules to be followed while solving derivatives, which will be discussed in the later part. Let’s see some examples to understand things better....
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How to Find Indices and Values of Nonzero Elements in MATLAB?
MATLAB provides functionality that finds the indices and values of all non-zero elements in a vector or multidimensional array; the find() function. The find function with required parameters gives back a vector containing indices of non-zero elements in the passed array/vector....
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Histogram Equalization Without Using histeq() Function in MATLAB
Histogram Equalization is the most famous contrast management technique for digital image processing with different image data intensity level values. or we can say it’s a Pixels brightness transformations technique....
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Inline Functions in MATLAB
Inline functions are those functions that are defined in one line, also called one-liner for the same reason. In MATLAB there are two types of inline functions, inbuilt and user-defined. Let’s take a look at both of them....
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Mean Function in MATLAB
Mean or average is the average of a sequence of numbers. In MATLAB, mean (A) returns the mean of the components of A along the first array dimension whose size doesn’t equal to 1. Suppose that A is a vector, then mean(A) returns the mean of the components. Now, if A is a Matrix form, then mean(A) returns a row vector containing the mean of every column....
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How to Convert HSI Image to RGB Image in MATLAB?
HSI stands for Hue Saturation Intensity. HSI is color space, it provides a way of numeric to readout the image that is corresponding to the color name contained. RGB it’s basically called the RGB triplet. in MATLAB the RGB image is a kind of  MxNx3 M cross N cross 3 arrays of colors pixel which is use three columns wide and each row contains three elements RGB (red, green, blue) triplet...
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