CSS Popover Menu
In this article, we will see how we can display contextual information or secondary actions in a compact and accessible manner. To design and implement a popover element that should provide a visually pleasing overlay that appears when triggered by UI with a specific element, offering additional information....
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Explain all the measurement units in CSS3
The CSS measurement units used are as follows. Measurement basically means to find a number that shows the amount of something we want to find out. CSS has many different measurement units for expressing the length of various HTML containers. Various CSS properties like width, padding, font-size, margin, etc have a number and a unit as their value....
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How does rem differ from em in CSS ?
In this article, we will learn about rem & em in CSS, how they differs from each other. The em and rem are the relative length CSS font-size units that can be used in CSS documents to make a specific element’s font size relative to its parents....
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Uses of CSS
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and it is used for designing and responsiveness of web pages. It helps in maintaining the positioning of each and every element that should be displayed on the web page. It is highly used for creating interactive user interfaces.’...
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CSS Value | Initial
The initial value keyword is used to set an element’s CSS property to its default value....
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CSS | Value Integer
CSS data type integer represents <integer > .It is a whole number which can be positive(+) or negative(-) .Integer contains one or more than one digits between 0-9.No decimal value is allowed . No units are required to represent an integer value. A lot of CSS properties take integer value like z-index, line-height, column-count, counter-increment, grid-column, etc.Valid Integer...
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CSS | revert keyword
The CSS revert keyword is an inbuilt keyword in CSS which has been used to revert the cascading style to its parent element. If any similar elements hold the same cascading style, but one child holds the revert keyword then the cascading style will be removed and will inherit the cascading from the parent element....
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How to define the painting area of the background in CSS?
The task is to define the painting area of the background. The CSS background-clip property has a tendency to square measure victimization to outline the painting space of any net page’s background. It specifies that up to that extent, we will modify the background of the webpage in terms of its contents or images/videos it contains....
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How to use the position property in CSS to align elements ?
In this article, we will learn how to use the position property in CSS to align elements. We can align elements using position property using CSS with some helper property of it....
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Does JavaScript have higher precedence than CSS ?
While working on the front-end part of your project, CSS plays a major role in defining the styles for your web page....
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Role of CSS selector
In this article, we will discuss how CSS selector is important while we are designing the web page. The role of CSS selector in the responsive web page is very important. Let us discuss one by one.Role of Child Selector: In Child Selector, properties of any element is the immediate parent of another element....
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New CSS Viewport Units (vi, vb, vmax, vmin)
The original viewport units, such as vw (viewport width) and vh (viewport height), have been widely used to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. Using the vh unit on mobile is buggy because the viewport size won’t include the browser’s address bar UI. However, the newly introduced units, namely vmin, vmax, vi and vb bring additional possibilities and flexibility to web designers....
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