CSS Background
The CSS background property is a shorthand for setting multiple background properties in one declaration, including background color, image, position, size, repeat, origin, clip, and attachment. This property is essential for customizing the visual appearance of elements....
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CSS Icons
CSS Icons from various libraries can be effortlessly styled and customized with CSS, allowing for alterations in size, color, shadow, and more. These icons serve as intuitive graphical elements, enhancing navigation and conveying specific meanings....
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How to set the inset shadow using CSS ?
In CSS, the box-shadow property adds shadow effects around an element’s frame. We can set multiple effects around an element separated by commas. A box-shadow is defined as X and Y relative offset values to the element, blur and spread radius, and color....
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CSS Lists
The List in CSS specifies the listing of the contents or items in a particular manner i.e., it can either be organized orderly or unorder way, which helps to make a clean webpage. It can be used to arrange the huge with a variety of content as they are flexible and easy to manage. The default style for the list is borderless....
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CSS Full Form
The full form of CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to add styles to HTML documents displayed in browsers. CSS enhances the user experience by making web pages more attractive and user-friendly. Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1996, CSS can be applied to HTML documents in various ways....
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CSS Grid Layout: The Fr Unit
The CSS Grid Layout module is used to create a grid-based layout system. Utilizing rows and columns, it simplifies the design of webpages without relying on floats and positioning....
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CSS Comments
CSS Comments. Comments are essential for documenting code, providing clarity during development and maintenance. They begin with `/*` and end with `*/`, allowing for multiline or inline annotations. Browsers ignore comments, ensuring they don’t affect the rendering of web pages....
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CSS | Centering Elements
Sometimes we face problems with centering an element in a web page. Is it really so hard? It is not too difficult to center an element. There so many different ways of doing it. One thing we need to know is that, which technique is for which purpose. Once you understand the problem, picking up the best technique will be much easier. So let us see some situation and discuss the best method to achieve the goal....
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CSS Links
A link is a connection from one web page to another web page. CSS property can be used to style the links in various different ways.States of Link: Before discussing CSS properties, it is important to know the states of a link. Links can exist in different states and they can be styled using pseudo-classes....
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CSS DropDowns
Dropdowns are a crucial component of interactive websites, allowing users to access multiple links from a single menu. Using CSS, you can design stylish and functional drop-down menus. In HTML, a dropdown typically consists of a nested list within an unordered list (<ul>), utilizing list (<li>) tags to create the dropdown structure. CSS properties bring these elements to life, making the dropdown interactive and visually appealing....
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CSS Pseudo Elements
CSS Pseudo Elements lets you style a specific part of the selected elements. For Example, Styling the first letter or line of an element, and Inserting content before or after the content of an element. All of these can be done using Pseudo Elements in CSS....
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How to submit a form or a part of a form without a page refresh using jQuery ?
In this article, we will learn how to submit a form or a part of a form without a page refresh using JQuery, & will understand its implementation through the example....
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