W3.CSS Containers and Panels
W3.CSS provides web developers with the two most useful classes i.e. container and panels. They are used to place content together with same font-color, background-color, font-size, font-family, etc....
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W3.CSS Colors
W3.CSS provides us with classes to set the color of font and container. Not only this, there are also classes to change or set the color of the font or container on hover the division or section. All the coloring elements can be broadly be classified into the following parts:...
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W3.CSS Introduction
W3.CSS is free for everyone to use. Anyone can use it by simply linking the style in their webpage. There are two ways to include W3.CSS on the website:...
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W3.CSS Text And Fonts
W3.CSS is one of the most popular, open-source front-end framework which helps us in developing responsive, mobile-first websites, and web applications. As a part of its offering, it provides us with a collection of classes, called the Text Utility classes, which controls various text properties, such as, text alignment, text size, text opacity....
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W3.CSS Input
List of form control classes in W3.CSS are as follows:...
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W3.CSS Dropdown
Dropdowns are one of the most important parts of an interactive website. A dropdown menu is the collection of menu items that allow users to choose a value from the list. W3.CSS also provides classes to make a smooth and responsive dropdown menu. There are two types of dropdown menu available i.e. hoverable and clickable. The classes available for dropdown are as follows:...
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W3.CSS Button
W3.CSS provides different classes that can be used with different tags, such as <button>, <a>, <input>, and <label> to apply custom button styles. W3.CSS also provides classes that can be used for changing the colour and size of buttons. W3.CSS contains many classes to set the style of the button element. The list of button classes are given below:...
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W3.CSS Badges
The .w3-badge class is used to add additional information to the content. For example, some websites associate some number of notifications to the link. The notification number is seen when logged in to a particular website which tells the numbers of news or notifications to see by clicking it. This class helps the developers to add circular badges to their website, the default color is set to black....
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W3.CSS Tables
W3.CSS provides a series of classes that can be used to apply various styling to the tables such as changing the heading appearance, making the rows stripped, adding or removing borders, making rows hoverable, etc. W3.CSS also provides classes for making tables responsive....
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W3.CSS Animations
CSS Animations is a technique to change the appearance and behavior of various elements in web pages. It is used to control the elements by changing their motions or display. W3.CSS provides developers with some good inbuilt animation classes. The list of classes is as follows:...
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W3.CSS Cards
A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It can include header, footer and a wide variety of content. W3.CSS helps the developers to add paper-like effects to the elements. It contains three types of classes:...
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W3.CSS Border
Borders are generally used to display an outline around a box or table cell or any other HTML element. In W3.CSS, there are different classes available to add or remove borders. The classes that are used to add borders are referred to as additive classes and those that are used to remove borders are referred to as subtractive classes....
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