PHP GMP Functions Complete Reference
The GMP function uses arbitrary-length integers to perform mathematical operations. The GMP function contains the GMP number as an argument....
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PHP | gmp_invert() for inverse modulo
The gmp_invert() is a built-in function in PHP which is used to find the modular inverse of a GMP number (GNU Multiple Precision : For large numbers) under another GMP number....
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PHP | gmp_strval() Function
The gmp_strval() is an inbuilt function in PHP which returns the string value of a GMP number. (GNU Multiple Precision: For large numbers)....
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PHP | gmp_fact() for large factorials
The gmp_fact() is a built-in function in PHP which is used to calculate the factorial of a GMP number (GNU Multiple Precision : For large numbers)....
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PHP | gmp_hamdist() Function
The gmp_hamdist() is a built-in function in PHP which is used to find the hamming distance between two GMP numbers (GNU Multiple Precision : For large numbers)....
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PHP | gmp_sign() Function
The gmp_sign() is an in-built function in PHP which checks the sign of a given GMP number (GNU Multiple Precision: For large numbers)....
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PHP | gmp_mul() Function
The gmp_mul() function in PHP is an inbuilt function which is used to multiply two GMP numbers (GNU Multiple Precision: For large numbers)....
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PHP | gmp_intval() Function
The gmp_intval() is an inbuilt function in PHP which converts a GMP number to an integer. Here GMP refers to GNU Multiple Precision which is for large numbers.Syntax:...
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PHP | gmp_cmp() Function
The gmp_cmp() is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to compare two GMP numbers(GNU Multiple Precision : For large numbers)....
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PHP | gmp_perfect_square() Function
The gmp_perfect_square() is an inbuilt function in PHP which checks if the given GMP number(GNU Multiple Precision: For large numbers) is a perfect square or not....
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PHP | gmp_neg() Function
The gmp_neg() function is an in-built function in PHP which returns the negative of a GMP number (GNU Multiple Precision)....
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PHP | gmp_nextprime() Function
The gmp_nextprime() is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to calculate the prime number just greater than a given GMP number(GNU Multiple Precision : For large numbers)....
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