Node.js Jimp
Jimp is a node module used to do image processing which is provided by the npm installer. The Jimp – Javascript Image Manipulation Program is a library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, without any external or native dependencies. Various Image manipulation options available in this library are blit, blur, color, contain, and many more.Image types supported by Jimp :...
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How to convert PNG to JPG using Node.js ?
The following approach covers how to convert PNG to JPG in Node.js using Jimp module. Jimp is an image processing library that we can use to do a lot of operations on images. Jimp stands for JavaScript Image Manipulation Program....
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Node Jimp | resize
The resize() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp which resizes the image to a set width and height using a 2-pass bilinear algorithm....
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Node Jimp | rotate
The rotate() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp that rotates the image clockwise and the dimensions of the image remain the same....
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Node Jimp | Crop
The crop() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp which is used to crop the image within specified co-ordinates and dimensions....
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Node Jimp | Blur
The blur() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp which uses a blur algorithm that produces a similar effect to a Gaussian blur....
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Node Jimp | Blit
Introduction The blit() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs. It is used to combine two bitmap patterns. | Jimp which combines several bitmaps into one using a boolean function....
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Node Jimp | pixelate
The pixelate() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp that applies the pixelation effect over an image or region....
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Node Jimp | Color grayscale
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Node Jimp | scaleToFit
The scaleToFit() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp that scales the image to the largest size that fits inside the rectangle that has the given width and height....
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Node Jimp | Color tint
The tint modifier is an inbuilt color modifier in Nodejs | Jimp which mixes white color into the image....
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Node Jimp | flip
The flip() function is an inbuilt function in Nodejs | Jimp which flips the image horizontally or vertically. The default settings are to flip the image horizontally....
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