How to Add SlantedTextView in Android App?
SlantedTextView is an Android library that allows us to easily create a slanted text in an android app. We can use this feature in many apps such as educational courses app or subscription-based app and in many other apps where some features are available for free and some are paid features. Note that we are going to implement this project using the Java language....
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PopView in Android
In this article, PopView is added to android. When users tap on the view a pop animation with a circular dust effect will appear. A new view can also appear after the popping of the older view. PopView can be used to hide the view or change the view. It makes the user interface more attractive. Suppose a Launcher app is to be made then in that app close recently used applications where it can use. This view will help us to achieve a better user experience....
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HorizontalScrollView in Kotlin
In Android ScrollView allows multiple views that are places within the parent view group to be scrolled. Scrolling in the android application can be done in two ways either Vertically or Horizontally....
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GalleryView in Android with Example
In Android, Gallery is a view that can show items in a center-locked, horizontal scrolling list, and hence the user can able to select a view, and then the user-selected view will be shown in the center of the Horizontal list. “N” number of items can be added by using the Adapter. The adapter is a bridging component between the UI component and the data source. The items given in the adapter will be shown in the gallery in the example. We are going to implement this project using both Java and Kotlin Programming Language for Android....
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How to Add a TextView with Rounded Corner in Android?
TextView is an essential object of an Android application. It comes in the list of some basic objects of android and used to print text on the screen. In order to create better apps, we should learn that how can we create a TextView which have a background with rounded corners. We can implement this skill in a practical manner for any android application. For creating professional-looking user interfaces, we need to take care of these small things....
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AutoCompleteTextView in Kotlin
Android AutoCompleteTextView is an editable text view which shows a list of suggestions when user starts typing text. When a user starts typing, a dropdown menu will be there based on the entered characters, defined in the threshold limit and the user can choose an item from the list to replace the text....
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View Recycling in Android with ListView
Memory management is a crucial aspect of app development. Since mobile devices have very limited memory, it is necessary to use it carefully in our applications. One of the best practices involved in doing so is “view recycling“....
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How to Load SVG from URL in Android ImageView?
It is seen that many Android apps require to use of high-quality images that will not get blur while zooming. So we have to use high-quality images. But if we are using PNG images then they will get blur after zooming because PNG images are made up of pixels and they will reduce their quality after zooming. So SVG images are preferable to use because SVG images are made up of vectors and they don’t reduce their quality even after zooming. Now we will look at How we can load SVG from its URL in our Android App....
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Google’s First Android 15: First Developer Preview
Google has recently rolled out the first Developer Preview of Android 15. This release promises new features, improvements, and optimizations for the Android ecosystem, marking a significant step in the evolution of Android....
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Android – Difference Between RecyclerView and ListView
In Android View is a basic building block of UI (User Interface). A view is a small rectangular box that responds to user inputs. RecyclerView and ListView are the two major Views in Android. So in this article, we are going to see the major differences between these two views....
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GridView Using BaseAdapter in Android with Example
Here, we are designing an android app to demonstrate the use of GridView layout. The GridView layout is a ViewGroup that groups view in a two-dimensional scrolling grid of rows and columns. Items in the grid view are inserted using a ListAdapter. The layout by default is scrollable and we don’t need to use ScrollView. An example of GridView is your default Gallery....
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Android RelativeLayout in Kotlin
Android RelativeLayout is a ViewGroup subclass, used to specify the position of child View elements relative to each other like (A to the right of B) or relative to the parent (fixed to the top of the parent). Instead of using LinearLayout, we have to use RelativeLayout to design the user interface and keep our hierarchy flat because it improves the performance of the application....
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