ParticleView in Android with Examples
ParticleView is an animation library and animations help to gain the attention of the user so it is best to learn it. It is the custom android view that helps to display a large number of fairies....
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How to add TextSwitcher with animation in Android using Java
A TextSwitcher is used to animate a text on a screen. It is the child class of the ViewSwitcher class. It contains only one child of type TextView. In order to set animation on TextSwitcher we have to add animation tag or we can add programmatically. Here are the some usage of TextSwitcher:...
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Content Placeholder Animation using Shimmer in Android with RecyclerView
We have seen the implementation of Content Placeholder Animation using Shimmer in Android for a simple view. In this article, we will take a look at implementing Content Placeholder Animation using Shimmer in Android with RecyclerView....
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Ferris Wheel in Android
Building Ferris Wheel in Android is another best thing to do for beginner Android developers. With the help of dependency, you can be able to create the Ferris Wheel. Ferris Wheel is an Android library that is a unique way to represent data in the Animated form. In this article, we are going to see how to implement the Ferris Wheel in Android. Below is a sample GIF of the Ferris Wheel....
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Android Animations in Kotlin
Animation is a method in which a collection of images are combined in a specific way and processed then they appear as moving images. Building animations make on-screen objects seem to be alive. Android has quite a few tools to help you create animations with relative ease. so in this article we will learn to create animations using Kotlin. below are some attributes which we are using while writing the code in xml....
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How to Display Medal in Android?
Medal in Android is used to give a medal effect to your Android App. You can get to see this MedalView in most of the mobile games. Where this medal view is displayed after completing levels. Also, MedalView can be displayed in most of the coding sites for giving the ranking to the participants. In this article, we are going to learn how to display Medals on Android. A sample GIF is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article....
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Sliding Up Screen in Android
Sliding Up Screen is another common feature that we see in most of the apps. This Sliding Up Screen can be used for displaying some content after clicking the button or to display Menu. Using this Sliding Up Screen in our App improves the User Experience. In this article, we are going to see how to implement the Sliding Up Screen in Android. A sample GIF is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article....
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Shared Element Transition in Android with Example
Shared Element Transition is one of the most seen animations in Android apps. This type of animation is used when we have to open an item from a ListView or RecyclerView. Shared Element Transition in Android determines how shared element views are animated from activity to activity or fragment to fragment. Now we will see the implementation of Shared Element Transition in our app with a simple example....
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Implement Zoom In or Zoom Out in Android
Zoom In and Zoom Out animations are used to enlarge and reduce the size of a view in Android applications respectively. These types of animations are often used by developers to provide a dynamic nature to the applications. Users also feel the changes happening in the application by watching these kinds of animations....
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LineAnimationView in Android with Example
LineAnimationView is an animation library that helps to gain the attention of the user. It is useful for creating very beautiful animation. In this animation, an object emerges from the bottom and goes to the top. Some useful features and application of LineAnimationView are:...
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ZoomControls in Android with Example
In Android, Zoom Control is a class that has some set of methods that are used to control the zoom functionality. It has two buttons that are used to control the zoom functionality (ie Zoom In and Zoom Out). Zoom Control Class has been deprecated in API Version 29. The functionalities offered by ZoomControls class are handled in a better way through Custom view and custom layouts then dedicated zoom controls widgets....
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Android Fade In/Out in Kotlin
In Android Animations are the visuals that are added to make the user interface more interactive, clear and good looking. Fade In and Fade out animations are used to modify the appearance of any view over a set interval of time so that user can be notified about the changes that are occurring in our application. In this article we will be discussing how to create a Fade In/Out animation in Kotlin ....
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