Tachyons Layout Display

Tachyons is a free and open-sourceCSS toolkit that is used to create a responsive website very easily.

Tachyons Layout is used to define those sub-parts of a website. The Tachyons Layout Display is a display that is used to define the display of an element at any breakpoint.

Tachyons Layout Display Classes:

  • .db: This class is used to create the element in the block, by declaring the display: block;, which inherently set width to 100% of its base element.
  • .dib: This class is used to create the element in inline-block, by declaring display: inline-block;, that wrap around content inline.
  • .di: This class is used to create the element in the inline, by declaring display: inline;, i.e. it helps to set content inline.
  • .dt: This class is used to create a table with different sized cells, by declaring display: table;. It can be combined with display table-cell to render a table without table markup.
  • .dtc: This class is used to display the table-cell without any table markup.
  • .dt–fixed: This class is used to create the table with the same sized cells, i.e. it is used to set the table layout as fixed.
  • .dn: This class is used to create the element with no property, by declaring display: none;.


<element-name class="display-class">...</element-name>

Example1: In the below example, we will make use of the display classes to demonstrate layout display.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
        div {
            text-align: center;
    <h2 style="color:green;
    <h3 style="text-align:center;">
        Tachyons Layout Display
    <span class="db"



Example 2: In the below example, we will make use of the display classes to demonstrate layout display.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
        div {
            text-align: center;
        .dn {
            display: none;
    <h2 style="color:green;
    <h3 style="text-align:center;">
        Tachyons Layout Display
    <span class="di"
    <p class="dn">w3wiki</p>



Reference: https://tachyons.io/docs/layout/display/

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