Symantec Interview Experience | Set 3 (On-Campus)

Interview Type: Campus Placement
Procedure: 1 written test followed by 3 interview round.(2 Tech + 1(tech+hr))

Written test: It was online, consist 20 questions of C/C++, Data structure , Algorithms , Operating system, Unix network programming, Networking and aptitude. + 2 programing questions(both programing question were easy but you have to take care of the complexity)

1st Interview
This interview was tricky; he asked me to rate my self on certain subject out of 10.
(ex. c/c++, java, data structure, algorithm, networking, DBMS, system operations, summer project etc.)
Take care at this time because interviewer will ask according to your marks that you given to subject
For me he asked questions from c++
1. Overriding vs overloading
2. System operations.
3. Output for some programs
4. Virtual function, abstract class, vtable etc.
Just be confidence in c++ basics.

2st Interview
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about your project.
3. Write function to implement pow(int a,int n), sqrt(int n) in least complexity.
4. Questions from project.
5. Some programing basics.

3st Interview
Starts with tell me about yourself.
Then explain projects.
After that basic HR questions
1. Goal in life
2. Why Symantec etc..

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