Swiggy Interview Experience for SDE-1

Online Coding Test (Hackerrank): 3 Medium questions and 1.5 hrs to solve it. Solved all three questions

Round 1(On-site, virtual):

  1. Count number of binary strings without consecutive 1’s, First asked me to write recursive code and the dynamic programming. After that interviewer asked me to optimize more. Then I explained the matrix exponentiation approach.
  2. Given N lines(x1, x2 of each line), asked to find the point where the maximum lines meet if we draw a vertical line.
  3. Oops: Inheritance vs Composition, Static keyword, Volatility keyword
  4. DBMS: Acid Properties

Round 2 (On-site, Virtual):

  1. Find the number of pairs with a given sum
  2. Started with spring beans, functional dependencies and asked how will check dependencies are valid or not. When I said they must be in the form of a directed acyclic graph. Then he asked me to check whether there exists a cycle or not.

Note: In all technical questions they asked me to write code on the sublime text and to compile it forgiven test cases

Round 3 (Hiring Manager round):

  1. The interviewer discussed the current job and asked two CS core questions: How URL works and What is a load balancer. My last two rounds went really well, so he said the result would be based on the last two rounds.

The next day I got a call from the recruiter, and she said, “Congratulations!! You are selected”. 

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