Swift File Format | .swift Extension

Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language used to create a wide range of applications for Apple’s operating systems, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Swift offers several features that make learning easier for beginners, including modern syntax, memory safety, high performance, and more readable syntax. It is a strong and adaptable language. Its popularity is partly attributed to its lively and dynamic developer community.

Table of Content

  • Brief History
  • Key features of the Swift
  • Syntax of the Swift Code
  • Advantages of the Swift
  • Disadvantages of the swift
  • Conclusion

A file with the .swift extension is typically associated with Swift, a programming language developed by Apple Inc. Swift is designed for building applications on Apple platforms, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.Swift is a powerful and expressive programming language developed by Apple. It is a modern alternative to Objective-C for iOS and macOS app development.

Brief History

  • Introduction (2014): Swift was officially introduced by Apple at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2014. It was launched as a modern and more accessible alternative to the existing Objective-C language for developing software on Apple platforms.
  • Open Sourcing (2015): In December 2015, Apple announced that Swift would be open-sourced. This move allowed the developer community to contribute to its development, report issues, and use Swift in a broader range of projects, even outside the Apple ecosystem.
  • Swift 2.0 (2015): Swift 2.0 was introduced in the same year, bringing new features such as error handling improvements, protocol extensions, and availability checking for different iOS versions.
  • Swift 3.0 (2016): Swift 3.0, released in 2016, was a major update that aimed to improve the language’s consistency and interoperability. It introduced a new API design guideline and made the language more mature and stable.
  • Cross-Platform Development (2019): Apple announced SwiftUI and Project Catalyst (formerly Marzipan) in 2019, which aimed to simplify cross-platform development using Swift. SwiftUI allows developers to build user interfaces for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS with a single codebase.

Key features of the Swift

  • Swift is designed with a strong focus on both safety and performance.
  • It has a concise and expressive syntax that makes the language easy to read and write.
  • Swift has introduces the concept of optional, which allow us to set the variables to a “no value” state.This helps in handling the absence of a value in a safe and controlled manner, reducing unexpected crashes.
  • It uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to manage memory, automatically handling memory deallocation and reducing the likelihood of memory leaks.
  • It includes pattern matching, making it easier to work with complex data structures. It simplifies code for tasks such as switch statements and conditional binding.

Syntax of the Swift Code


import Swift
// Swift "Hello, World!" Program
print("Hello, GFG!")


  • Comment (//): Comments in Swift begin with //. They are ignored by the compiler and are used for providing explanations or annotations in the code.
  • import Swift: This line is commented out because it’s not a common or necessary import in Swift. The Swift standard library is automatically available in Swift programs, and you don’t need to explicitly import it.
  • print(“Hello, World!”): This line prints the string “Hello, World!” to the console. The print function is commonly used for output in Swift. The text inside the parentheses is the content that will be printed.

Advantages of the Swift

  • Swift syntax is very clean that make it easier to read and write from other languages
  • The swift language is more stable with fewer crashes and problematic errors.
  • Swift is fast than other language eg a object sorrt is 3.9x faster than python with same code

Disadvantages of the swift

  • Poor interoperability with tools and IDEs other than xcode.
  • Only 5.1 percent of 83,035 StackOverflow user use swift meaning less community.
  • Swift can be used to develop apps for iOS7 or later version.

Example Code: In this code we will calculate the factorial of the number.


import Swift
// Function to calculate factorial
func calculateFactorial(of number: Int) -> Int {
    if number == 0 || number == 1 {
        return 1
    } else {
        return number * calculateFactorial(of: number - 1)
// Example usage
let numberToCalculateFactorial = 5
let result = calculateFactorial(of: numberToCalculateFactorial)
// Print the result
print("The factorial of \(numberToCalculateFactorial) is: \(result)")


The factorial of 5 is: 120


Building different applications for Apple’s platforms, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, requires the use of Swift, a potent and expressive programming language. Many features of Swift, including its more readable syntax, memory safety, high performance, and modern syntax, make learning the language easier for newcomers. It’s a strong, versatile language and the popularity is partly attributed to a lively and dynamic community of developers.

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