Surface Charge Density Formula

Surface charge density is crucial for a variety of purposes, as it determines the accumulation of electric charges in electric fields and is vital for understanding the movement of charge.

The charge density of an electric object must also be determined using the surface area and volume of the object. The surface charge density formula is a topic that is both significant and fascinating. The topic will be better understood if you use examples that are related to it. Let’s take a look at the concept.

Table of Content

  • What is Surface Charge?
  • Formula for Surface Charge Density 
  • Applications of Surface Charge Density
  • Sample Problems

What is Surface Charge?

The surface charge density describes the total amount of charge q per unit area A and is only seen on conducting surfaces.

The charge density is a measurement of how much electric charge has accumulated in a specific field. It calculates the quantity of electric charge based on the dimensions provided. The length, area, or volume of the electric body are all possible dimensions.

As a result, charge density can be one of three sorts. Charge density is a measure of electric charge per unit volume of space in one, two, or three dimensions, according to electromagnetism. There are three types of these:

  • Charge density per unit length, i.e. linear charge density, where q is the charge and is the distribution length. Coulomb m-1 will be the SI unit.
  • Surface charge density is defined as the charge per unit surface area, where q is the charge and A is the surface area. Coulomb m-2 is the SI unit.
  • The charge density per unit volume, or volume charge density, where q is the charge and V is the distribution volume. Coulomb m-3 is the SI unit.

The amount of electric charge per unit surface area, in particular, is critical. Surface charge refers to the difference in electric potential between the inner and exterior surfaces of an item in various states. Only conducting surfaces will have a surface charge density, which describes the total amount of charge per unit area.

Formula for Surface Charge Density

The formula for surface charge density is:

σ = q/A


  • σ = Surface charge densityc(Cm-2),
  • q = Chargec(C),
  • A = Surface areac(m2)

Applications of Surface Charge Density

  • Surface charge density is a fundamental quantity that is used to describe a variety of measurement-related phenomena.
  • It’s utilized a lot in DNA hybridizations.
  • It’s also useful for surface contact.
  • Surface charge density can be used to assess biomolecular interactions that remain on surfaces, as well as to determine their quantification.
  • Potentiometric titration, reflection interference contrast microscope, or atomic force microscopy can all be used to measure it.
  • Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is the most precise way of assessing surface charge density, according to a recent study.

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Sample Problems

Problem 1: A total charge of 5 mC is uniformly spread throughout a long thin rod circular with a length of 60 cm and a radius of 7 cm. Calculate the charge density on the surface.


Given : q = 5 × 10-3, l = 60 cm, r = 7 cm

Find : σ

Solution :

Surface area of cylinder = 2πrh

∴ Surface area of cylinder = 2 × 3.14 × 7 × 60

∴ Surface area of cylinder = 2637.6 sq cm = 2.63 sq m

We have,

σ = q/A

∴ σ = 5 × 10-3 / 2.63

∴ σ = 1.9011 × 10-3

σ = 0.190 × 10-2 C/m2

Problem 2: Calculate the surface charge density of a conductor in a 30 m2 region with a charge of 2 C.


Given : q = 2 C, A = 30 m2

Find : σ

Solution :

We have,

σ = q/A

∴ σ = 2 / 30

σ = 0.066 C/m2

Problem 3: Calculate the charge density on the surface of a sphere with a charge of 9 C and a radius of 4 cm.


Given : q = 9 C, r = 4 cm

Find : σ

Solution :

Surface area of Sphere = 4πr2

∴ Surface area of Sphere = 4 × 3.14 × 4 × 4

∴ Surface area of Sphere = 200.96 m2

We have,

σ = q/A

∴ σ = 9 / 200.96

σ = 0.0447 Cm-2

Problem 4: Assume the conductor’s surface charge density is 0.23 C/m2 and the region is 13 m2. Determine the conductor’s charge.


Given : σ = 0.23 C/m2, A = 13 m2

Find : q

Solution :

We have,

σ = q/A

∴ σ × A = q

∴ q = 0.23 × 13

q = 2.99 C

Surface Charge Density-FAQs

What is acceleration due to gravity?

Acceleration due to gravity, denoted as g, is the acceleration experienced by objects in free fall near the surface of a massive body, such as Earth. It represents the rate at which the velocity of an object changes due to gravity.

What is the value of acceleration due to gravity on Earth?

The value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Earth is approximately 9.81m/s 29.81m/s 2 This value varies slightly depending on factors such as altitude, latitude, and local geology.

Who discovered the concept of acceleration due to gravity?

The concept of acceleration due to gravity is commonly attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, who formulated the law of universal gravitation and described gravity’s effects on objects in his work “Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) published in 1687.

How is acceleration due to gravity calculated?

Acceleration due to gravity can be calculated using the formula g= Fm where F is the force of gravity acting on an object and m is the mass of the object. Near the surface of Earth, g can be approximated as 9.81m/s29.81m/s 2

Does acceleration due to gravity depend on the mass of an object?

No, according to the principle of equivalence, acceleration due to gravity is independent of the mass of an object. In other words, all objects in free fall near the surface of Earth experience the same acceleration regardless of their mass.

How does altitude affect acceleration due to gravity?

At higher altitudes, acceleration due to gravity decreases slightly due to the increased distance from Earth’s center and the distribution of mass in the Earth’s interior. However, this effect is relatively small and typically only significant for extremely precise measurements.

What are some practical applications of acceleration due to gravity?

Acceleration due to gravity has numerous practical applications, including:

Determining the weight of objects by measuring the force of gravity acting on them.

Calculating the trajectory of projectiles in ballistic motion?

Designing amusement park rides and roller coasters that rely on gravity for acceleration and motion.

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