Sum of all subsets of a set formed by first n natural numbers

Given a number n, we need to find the sum of all the elements from all possible subsets of a set formed by first n natural numbers.
Examples : 

Input :  n = 2
Output : 6
Possible subsets are {{1}, {2}, 
{1, 2}}. Sum of elements in subsets
is 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 6

Input :  n = 3
Output : 24
Possible subsets are {{1}, {2}, {3}, 
{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}
Sum of subsets is : 
1 + 2 + 3 + (1 + 2) + (1 + 3) + 
(2 + 3) + (1 + 2 + 3)


A simple solution is to generate all subsets. For every subset, compute its sum and finally return overall sum.
An efficient solution is based on the fact that every number from 1 to n appears exactly 2(n-1) times. So our required sum is (1 + 2 + 3 + ..+ n) * 2(n-1). The sum can be written as (n * (n + 1)/2) * 2(n-1)


// CPP program to find sum of all subsets
// of a set.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
unsigned long long findSumSubsets(int n)
    // sum of subsets is (n * (n + 1) / 2) *
    // pow(2, n-1)
    return (n * (n + 1) / 2) * (1 << (n - 1));
int main()
    int n = 3;
    cout << findSumSubsets(n);
    return 0;


// Java program to find sum of all subsets
// of a set.
class GFG {
    static long findSumSubsets(int n)
        // sum of subsets is (n * (n + 1) / 2) *
        // pow(2, n-1)
        return (n * (n + 1) / 2) * (1 << (n - 1));
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 3;
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python program to find
# sum of all subsets
# of a set.
def findSumSubsets( n):
    # sum of subsets
    # is (n * (n + 1) / 2) *
    # pow(2, n-1)
    return (n * (n + 1) / 2) * (1 << (n - 1))
# Driver code    
n = 3
# This code is contributed
# by sunnysingh.


// C# program to find sum of all subsets
// of a set.
using System;
class GFG {
    static long findSumSubsets(int n)
        // sum of subsets is (n * (n + 1) / 2) *
        // pow(2, n-1)
        return (n * (n + 1) / 2) * (1 << (n - 1));
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int n = 3;
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// PHP program to find sum
// of all subsets of a set
function findSumSubsets($n)
    // sum of subsets is (n *
    // (n + 1) / 2) * pow(2, n-1)
    return ($n * ($n + 1) / 2) *
                 (1 << ($n - 1));
// Driver Code
$n = 3;
echo findSumSubsets($n);
// This code is contributed by ajit


// javascript program to find sum of all subsets
// of a set.
function findSumSubsets( n)
    // sum of subsets is (n * (n + 1) / 2) *
    // pow(2, n-1)
    return (n * (n + 1) / 2) * (1 << (n - 1));
// Driven Program
    let n = 3;
// This code contributed by aashish1995

Output : 


Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)


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