strrchr() in C

The strrchr() function in C locates the last occurrence of a character in a string and returns a pointer to it. It is a standard library function defined inside <string.h> header file.

Syntax :

char* strrchr( char* str, int chr );


  • str: specifies the pointer to the null-terminated string in which the search is to be performed.
  • chr: specifies the character to be searched.

Return Value:

  • The function returns a pointer to the last location of chr in the string if the chr is found.
  • If chr is not found, it returns a null pointer.



// C program to illustrate
// the strrchr() function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
    // initializing string
    char str[] = "w3wiki";
    // character to be searched
    char chr = 'k';
    // Storing pointer returned by
    char* ptr = strrchr(str, chr);
    // getting the position of the character
    if (ptr) {
        printf("Last occurrence of %c in %s is at index %d",
               chr, str, ptr - str);
    // condition for character not present
    else {
        printf("%c is not present in %s ", chr, str);
    return 0;


Last occurrence of k in w3wiki is at index 11

When the character is not present in the string

strrchr() function returns a NULL pointer if the searched character is not found in the given string.



// C program to illustrate
// the strrchr() function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
    // creating some string
    char str[] = "w3wiki";
    char* ptr;
    // The character to be searched
    char chr = 'z';
    // pointer returned by strrchr()
    ptr = strrchr(str, chr);
    // ptr-string gives the index location
    if (ptr) {
        printf("Last occurrence of %c in %s is at %d", chr,
               str, ptr - str);
    // If the character we're searching is not present in
    // the array
    else {
        printf("%c is not present in %s ", chr, str);
    return 0;


z is not present Beginner for Beginner 

Time Complexity: O(n),

Space Complexity: O(1),

where n is the length of the string.

Note: NULL character is also treated same as other character by strrchr() function, so we can also use it to find the end of the string.

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