strpbrk() in C

This function finds the first character in the string s1 that matches any character specified in s2 (It excludes terminating null-characters).

Syntax : 
char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2)

Parameters :
s1 : string to be scanned.
s2 : string containing the characters to match.

Return Value :
It returns a pointer to the character in s1 that 
matches one of the characters in s2, else returns NULL.

// C code to demonstrate the working of
// strpbrk
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Driver function
int main()
    // Declaring three strings
    char s1[] = "w3wiki";
    char s2[] = "app";
    char s3[] = "kite";
    char* r, *t;
    // Checks for matching character
    // no match found
    r = strpbrk(s1, s2); 
    if (r != 0)
        printf("First matching character: %c\n", *r);
        printf("Character not found");
    // Checks for matching character
    // first match found at "e"
    t = strpbrk(s1, s3);
    if (t != 0)
        printf("\nFirst matching character: %c\n", *t);
        printf("Character not found");
    return (0);


Character not found
First matching character: e

Practical Application
This function can be used in game of lottery where the person having string with letter
coming first in victory wins, i.e. this can be used at any place where first person wins.

// C code to demonstrate practical application
// of strpbrk
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Driver function
int main()
    // Initializing victory string
    char s1[] = "victory";
    // Declaring lottery strings
    char s2[] = "a23";
    char s3[] = "i22";
    char* r, *t;
    // Use of strpbrk()
    r = strpbrk(s1, s2);
    t = strpbrk(s1, s3);
    // Checks if player 1 has won lottery
    if (r != 0)
        printf("Congrats u have won");
        printf("Better luck next time");
    // Checks if player 2 has won lottery
    if (t != 0)
        printf("\nCongrats u have won");
        printf("Better luck next time");
    return (0);


Better luck next time
Congrats u have won

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