Strontium Chloride Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Strontium chloride (SrCl2) is a common salt that contains both strontium and chlorine. Strontium chloride, a common halide, is used to make collodion chloride printing emulsions. Strontium chloride was the first toothpaste ingredient assumed to occlude tubules, based on the widely misunderstood use of radiolabeled strontium and auto-radiography. The toxicity of strontium compounds is lower.

Structure of Strontium Chloride

The crystalline solid strontium chloride has a fluorite-like structure. In the vapour phase, the SrCl2 molecule is shown as a non-linear with a Cl-Sr-Cl angle of roughly 130°. In this scenario, the VSEPR theory, which predicts a linear structure, is an outlier. The ab initio calculations have also been used to argue that the d orbitals in the shell below the valence shell are solely responsible. Another idea proposes that the electron core polarisation of the strontium atom causes a distortion of the core electron density, which interacts directly with the Sr-Cl bonds.

Strontium Chloride

Properties of Strontium Chloride

Physical Properties

Chemical Formula





White crystalline solid

Vapour Pressure

25° C. is 8.37 mm


Soluble in water slightly soluble in alcohol

Heat of solution

-7.50 Cal

Chemical Properties

  • When the strontium chloride molecule reacts with fluorine gas, it produces chlorine gas and strontium fluoride.

SrCl2  + 2HF  → SrF2  + Cl2 

  • Strontium chloride reacts with sulfuric acid to produce hydrogen chloride and strontium hydrogen sulphate in addition to hydrogen chloride and strontium hydrogen sulphate.

SrCl2 + 2H2SO4 → Sr(HSO4)2 + 2HCl

Uses of Strontium Chloride

  1. It works by establishing a barrier across small tubules in the dentin that contain nerve endings that have become exposed as a result of gum recede, reducing tooth affectability.
  2. The radioactive isotope strontium-89 is used to treat bone cancer.
  3. In seawater aquariums, strontium chloride, which is used in the growth of plankton exoskeletons, is required in small concentrations.
  4. It’s used as a red coloring component in fireworks. It generates a brighter crimson than the other alternatives..

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is Strontium Chloride?


Collodion chloride, which is used to print emulsions, is made from strontium chloride, which is a common halide. Strontium chloride is also the first toothpaste ingredient hypothesised to occlude the tubules, based on an easily misinterpreted autoradiography and radiolabeled strontium.

Question 2: What are the uses of strontium chloride?


  1. It works by establishing a barrier across small tubules in the dentin that contain nerve endings that have become exposed as a result of gum recede, reducing tooth affectability.
  2. The radioactive isotope strontium-89 is used to treat bone cancer.
  3. In seawater aquariums, strontium chloride, which is used in the growth of plankton exoskeletons, is required in small concentrations.
  4. It’s used as a red colouring component in fireworks. It has a deeper red colour than the other selections.

Question 3: What will happen when strontium chloride interacts with fluorine?


When strontium chloride interacts with fluorine gas, chlorine gas and strontium fluoride are produced.

SrCl2  + 2HF  → SrF2  + Cl2 

Question 4: What will happen when strontium chloride interacts with sulfuric acid?


In addition to hydrogen chloride and strontium hydrogen sulphate, strontium chloride interacts with sulfuric acid to produce hydrogen chloride and strontium hydrogen sulphate.

SrCl2 + 2H2SO4 → Sr(HSO4)2 + 2HCl

Question 5: How to prepare strontium chloride?


Strontium chloride is made from strontium carbonate or aqueous strontium hydroxide using hydrochloric acid.

Sr(OH)2 + 2 HCl → SrCl2 + 2 H2O

Question 6: How strontium chloride is used for dental care?


SrCl2 can also help with tooth sensitivity by establishing a barrier over small tubules in the dentin that contain nerve endings exposed owing to gum recession. It’s sold under the names Sensodyne and Elecol in the United States, and these toothpaste tubes are referred to as “strontium chloride” tubes, however most now include saltpetre (KNO3), which serves as an analgesic rather than a barrier.

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