Difference between STP and NTP

NTP and STP are two terms which are widely used in physics and chemistry to explain the various physical and chemical properties of liquids and gases. Let’s learn about these and their difference in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is STP?
  • Uses Of STP
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Thermodynamics
    • Acoustics
    • Astrophysics
  • What is NTP?
  • Uses Of NTP 
    • Calibration Of Instruments
    • Comparison of Data
    • Prediction of Behavior
    • Thermodynamic Calculations
  • Difference between STP and NTP

What is STP?

STP, or standard temperature and pressure, is a commonly used set of conditions in chemistry to standardize measurements and compare different substances. It is defined as a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius (273.15 Kelvin) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa).

STP is used in many areas of chemistry, including thermodynamics, gas laws, and phase changes.

For example, the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, uses STP as a reference point for the number of moles of gas present (n) and the gas constant (R). Under STP conditions, 1 mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4 litres. Similarly, the density of a substance is often reported at STP, as it allows for more accurate comparisons between different materials.

STP is also used in determining the standard enthalpy of formation, which is the amount of energy required to form one mole of a substance from its elements in their standard states. The standard state is defined as the substance being at a pressure of 1 atm and at its normal melting and boiling points.

It is important to note that many substances do not exist at STP and must be manipulated, such as through heating or cooling, to breach these conditions.

Additionally, many real-world applications occur at different temperatures and pressures than STP, so it is crucial to consider these variables when interpreting and applying data.

In summary, STP is a widely used set of conditions in chemistry that serves as a reference point for measuring and comparing substances.

It is defined as a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. It is used in many areas of chemistry including thermodynamics, gas laws, phase changes and enthalpies.

Uses Of STP

STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is not commonly used in physics, as it is mostly used in chemistry as a reference point for measuring and comparing substances. However, it can be used in some areas of physics such as,

Fluid Mechanics

STP can be used as a reference point for the properties of gases and liquids, such as density, viscosity and vapour pressure. In fluid mechanics, STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is used as a reference point for the density and viscosity of fluids.


STP can be used as a reference state for thermodynamic properties such as internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. In thermodynamics, STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is used as a reference point for the properties of gases.

For example, when a gas is at STP, its specific volume (volume per unit mass) can be calculated using the ideal gas law, PV = nRT. The value of R, the specific gas constant, is also defined at STP.


The speed of sound in gases is dependent on temperature and pressure. STP can be used as a reference point for the speed of sound in the air. In acoustics, STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is used as a reference point for the speed of sound in gases.

The speed of sound in a gas is dependent on the temperature and pressure of the gas, and it is used to calculate the wavelength and frequency of sound waves.


STP is used as a reference point for measuring the properties of gases in space, such as density, temperature and pressure. In astrophysics, STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is not a commonly used reference point, as most astrophysical phenomena occur under conditions that are vastly different from STP.

Instead, other reference points such as the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) temperature, which is about 2.725 K, or the average density of the universe, which is about 10-30 g/cm3, are used to understand the properties and behaviour of celestial objects and phenomena.

What is NTP?

NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) is a set of standard conditions used to define the physical properties of a substance, particularly in the field of thermodynamics.

These standard conditions are typically set as a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa), which is roughly equivalent to the average temperature and pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere at sea level.

The use of NTP allows for the direct comparison of data from different experiments, as well as the prediction of the behaviour of a substance under different conditions.

In thermodynamics, the properties of a substance are often described in terms of its internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy, and these properties can be measured at NTP to provide a baseline for comparison.

When measuring the properties of gases, the NTP conditions are often used to measure the volume of the gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP) which is defined as 0 degree Celsius and 1 atm.

It is important to note that NTP is standard, and not all experiments are conducted at NTP, but it is a way to have a common point of reference.

Uses Of NTP

NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) is used in physics for several purposes, including,

Calibration Of Instruments

In the calibration of instruments, NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) is commonly used as a reference point. NTP is defined as a temperature of 20 °C (293.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa).

Calibration is the process of adjusting an instrument to ensure that it is measuring a physical quantity accurately and consistently. When an instrument is calibrated, it is typically compared to a known standard or reference, and any discrepancies are corrected.

Using NTP as a reference point allows for consistency in the calibration process. For example, a pressure gauge that is calibrated at NTP can be used to measure pressure at other temperatures and pressures, but the accuracy of the gauge will be known only at NTP.

Comparison of Data

In the comparison of data, NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) can be used as a reference point to ensure consistency and comparability of the data. NTP is defined as a temperature of 20 °C (293.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa).

When collecting data, it is important to have a consistent set of conditions to ensure that the data is comparable. For example, when measuring the pressure of a gas, it is important to ensure that the temperature and pressure of the gas are the same for all measurements.

Prediction of Behavior

When predicting the behaviour of a system, it is important to have a consistent set of conditions to ensure that the predictions are comparable.

For example, when predicting the pressure of a gas, it is important to ensure that the temperature and pressure of the gas are the same for all predictions.

Using NTP as a reference point allows for consistency in the prediction process. For example, if predictions are made at NTP, they can be compared to predictions made at other temperatures and pressures, but the accuracy of the predictions will be known only at NTP.

Thermodynamic Calculations

In thermodynamics, NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) is used as a reference point for thermodynamic calculations. NTP is defined as a temperature of 20 °C (293.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa).

Thermodynamic calculations involve the calculation of properties such as internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy. These properties are state functions, meaning they are dependent on the initial and final state of the system and not on the path taken to reach the state.

Using NTP as a reference point allows for consistency in the thermodynamic calculations. For example, if thermodynamic calculations are made at NTP, they can be compared to calculations made at other temperatures and pressures, but the accuracy of the calculations will be known only at NTP.

Difference between STP and NTP

STP and NTP are both acronyms used in physics that refer to specific conditions.

STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure, which is defined as a temperature of 0 °C (273.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa).

NTP, on the other hand, stands for Normal Temperature and Pressure, which is defined as a temperature of 20 °C (293.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa).

Table given below shows the differences between STP and NTP,

                Features STP(Standard Temperature and Pressure) NTP(Normal Temperature and Pressure)
Temperature    The temperature in STP is 0 °C  The temperature in NTP is 20 °C.
Pressure The pressure in STP is 1 atm or 101.325 kPa The temperature in STP is also 1 atm or 101.325 kPa
Area Of Usage  STP is mostly used in chemistry and physics NTP is used in thermodynamics
Physical/Thermodynamic Process STP is used for the measurement of the physical properties of gases and liquids. NTP is the standard condition for thermodynamic measurements.
Application STP find its application in industrial processes. NTP find its application in air conditioning and refrigeration applications.
Usage STP is used to calculate densities and volumes of gases. NTP is used in thermodynamics to calculate thermodynamic properties like internal energy and enthalpy.

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Conclusion of STP and NTP

In conclusion, Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) are two standardized reference conditions widely used in scientific and engineering disciplines. STP is defined as 0 degrees Celsius (273.15 Kelvin) and 1 atmosphere of pressure (101.325 kPa or 1013.25 mbar), while NTP is defined as 20 degrees Celsius (293.15 Kelvin) and the same pressure of 1 atmosphere.

STP and NTP – FAQs

What are the typical values of temperature and pressure for STP and NTP?

STP is defined as a temperature of 0 °C (273.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa), NTP is defined as a temperature of 20 °C (293.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atm (101.325 kPa).

What are the variations of STP and NTP?

The variations of STP and NTP are SATP (Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure) and SSTP (Standard Sea Level Temperature and Pressure).

Which fields use STP and NTP?

STP is mostly used in chemistry and physics, while NTP is used in thermodynamics, air conditioning and refrigeration, and measurement of gases.

Are STP and NTP conditions achievable in real-world applications?

STP and NTP conditions are not always achievable in real-world applications as they are based on ideal conditions.

How do changes in temperature and pressure affect the properties of gases at STP and NTP?

Changes in temperature and pressure affect the properties of gases, such as density and viscosity. At STP and NTP, the properties of a gas can be used to calculate its properties at other temperatures and pressures.

What is the volume of gas at NTP and STP?

At Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP), the volume of an ideal gas is standardized to be 22.414 liters per mole.

At Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP), the volume of an ideal gas is slightly larger at 24.465 liters per mole.

What is 1 NTP equal to?

One NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) is equal to:

20 degrees Celsius (293.15 Kelvin) temperature

1 atmosphere of pressure (101.325 kPa or 1013.25 mbar)

How to convert STP to NTP?

To convert from STP to NTP:

Add 20 degrees Celsius to the temperature.

For example, if you have a gas volume measured at STP (0 degrees Celsius), you can convert it to NTP (20 degrees Celsius) by adding 20 degrees Celsius to the temperature while keeping the pressure constant at 1 atmosphere.

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