Steps to Develop Barrier Analysis

Barrier Analysis is process that is used to identify pathways that were not protected, or barriers and controls that were present but effective i.e. do not provide protection. If one wants successful completion of barrier analysis then identification of all pathways should be done i.e. complete and thorough identification of all pathways.

Three main elements of barrier analysis are target, hazard, and barrier that is why barrier analysis is also known as target-hazard-barrier analysis. If someone wants to achieve goal and wants successful completion of analysis, then he/she need to follow process as given below –

  1. Identification of Energy Sources :
    Initially, one needs to identify all possible energy sources present in the system that might affect target. Some of these energy sources do not cause any harm but some of them are harmful and reduces overall quality of system software. Obviously, these harmful energy sources are present in some quantity and at particular location. Therefore, one also needs to identify quantity of these sources as well as their desired location. After identification, list is harmful energy sources is prepared.

  2. Identification of Energy Paths :
    Obviously, identified harmful energy sources will affect target through some pathways i.e. energy flow pathways. Therefore, one needs to identify all possible energy flow pathways through which hazards or harmful sources affect target in negative manner. Here, target can be software, product, process, person, object, environment, etc.

  3. Identifying and Defining Target :
    When an incident occurs, it has some effect on anything around it. When harmful energy source is present in system, then it has its harmful effects on targets. These targets can be more than one. Therefore, one needs to be fully focused and determine all possible targets that might be affected by harmful energy sources.

  4. Identification of Vulnerability of Target :
    Yes, the target can be affected by harmful energy sources. It depends on target vulnerability that how much it will be affected by harmful sources. Vulnerability here simply means inability of target to withstand the effects of harmful energy sources. In simple words, one needs to determine and identify vulnerability of target i.e., capacity of target to resist harmful effect.

  5. Identification of Safety Barriers :
    One of the most essential steps is identification of safety barriers. It’s not necessary that all types of barriers can provide safety to particular target. One needs to be very sure whether or not barriers that are provided are effective and prevent target from harmful energy sources. This identification can be done by simply comparing the analysis with barriers provided and analysis without barriers.

  6. Identification of Corrective Measures :
    If barriers provided does not provide any safety or prevent target from harmful causes, then one should provide effective barriers that will reduce risk factor and provide safety to the target.

  7. Proper Documentation :
    After performing barrier analysis, one needs to document all steps that are involved in identification and analysis. This documentation can be useful for analysis in the future.

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