Statistic vs Parameter

In the statistical and data analytics areas, parameters and statistics are the most widely used two terms. Statistic is a numerical value calculated from a sample of data, whereas, Parameter is a numerical value that describes a characteristic of an entire population.

This article will provide the meaning and applications of parameters and statistics and the distinctions between them.

What is a Parameter?

Parameter is a numerical quantity characterizing the population with a certain property or attribute. It is a permanent and unalterable parameter signifying an ideal value that is being sought among the population under study.

Parameters are usually denoted with Greek letters, for example, μ (mu) to denote population mean and σ (sigma) for population standard deviation.

Characteristics of Parameter

  • Variables are fixed, and unknown value that shows the original distribution of the population.
  • Parameters provide a comprehensive description of the population being studied. They include measures such as the population mean, population standard deviation, population proportion, and population median.
  • Parameters are stable over time for a given population, assuming that the population characteristics do not change.

What is Statistics?

Statistic is a branch of mathematics that involves the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and methods for understanding and making sense of numerical information. They are utilized to assess the corresponding population parameters.

Characteristics of Statistics

  • Statistics deals with numerical data, which can be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (categorical).
  • Data in statistics exhibit variability, meaning they can vary from one observation to another.
  • Statistics involves estimating unknown population parameters from sample data.
  • Demonstrative examples of statistics are as follows: the sample mean, the sample standard deviation, the sample proportion, and the sample correlation coefficient.

Difference Between Parameter and Statistics

The key difference between statistics and parameter is given below:





A numerical value that describes a characteristic or property of an entire population.

A numerical value calculated from a sample of data drawn from a population.


Denoted by Greek letters (e.g., μ, σ).

Denoted by Roman letters (e.g., x̄, s).


Fixed, unknown values that represent true population characteristics.

Calculated values used to estimate the corresponding population parameters.


Describes the entire population.

Describes a sample from the population.


Constant for a given population.

Subject to sampling variability, depending on the sample drawn.


Population mean (μ), population standard deviation (σ), population proportion (π).

Sample mean (x̄), sample standard deviation (s), sample proportion (p̂).

Similarities between Statistic and Parameter

While statistics and parameters are distinct concepts, they share some similarities:

  • Data Analysis: Both statistics and parameters are the basic methods for data analyzing and calculation. Statistics helps to produce formulas to enjoy current datasets, and distributions, and claw out inferences, while parameters are used to retain and characterize the underlying models or processes.
  • Quantification: Quantifying and measuring many parameters take place via analyzing and using statistics with regard to data, phenomena, or systems. Statistics counts constant of randomly selected data groupings, and parameters calculate the certain properties or the unique characteristics of a model or processes.
  • Decision-Making: The findings of statistical analysis and the choice of suitable parameter values provide the basis for the making good brad decision-making in many areas, for example, in science research and business, engineering and public policy.
  • Uncertainty and Variability: Statistics and parameters are two forms of the variables which are factored into the model to represent unpredictability and variability that is present in the actual world. Statistics gives measure mechanisms for quantifying and measuring uncertainty, as well parameter are used to make models and processes variability prior to adjustment.
  • Modeling and Prediction: Data and parameters play crucial roles in making and improving predictive and forecasting models and for creating simulations that events in the natural world.

Statistics concentrates on gathering and processing data and making inferences, while parameters are to parameterize the models or the phenomena that represent the real-world observations.

Applications of Parameters

Parameters play a vital role in various fields, including:

  • Mathematical Modeling: The parameters used to define and characterize the mathematical models are so that researchers can show in different ways how this world is actually works and can then predict or simulate calculations.
  • Engineering and Physics: Parameters are used in Engineering and Physics to designate the features of materials, systems or physical process. They play a part in developing physique, materials, equipment, and systems.
  • Computer Science: Parameters, those things that are necessary, determine computer programming; they let us write reusable and flexible code. They permit different functions and algorithms to have input and they are arranged in such a way that they can conform to some conditions.
  • Economics and Finance: Most often economic models and the financial calculations entail the parameters of the interest rate, inflation rate, markets conditions and other economic factors.
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Parameters play a crucial role in creating machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, defining the algorithms’ structures and behaviors. Such parameter changing enhances the efficiency of these systems by costing fewer resources.

Applications of Statistics

Statistics, which exists multiple clearly defined fields and is used for different areas, acquires the position of an important factor. Some of the significant applications of statistics include:

  • Scientific Research: Statistics identifies its prominence in scientific research, understanding, and analyzing data. It assists, researchers, in, for e. g. , drawing, meaningful inferences from, experimental results, testing, the hypotheses, and make, informed decisions.
  • Business and Economics: Businesses have come to realize the fact that statistical methods as a tool of trade are quite useful to them in the field of market research, sales forecasting, consumer behaviour analysis, operation optimization as well as coming up with sound and data driven decisions that are for profitability and efficiency improvement.
  • Quality Control: In manufacturing and production processes, statistical quality control techniques such as control charts and defect sampling methods are used to monitor and control product quality, indented defects, and to maintain the level of consistency.
  • Healthcare: The statistics is one of the main centers of attention in medical research, clinical trials, epidemiological studies and decision-making regarding healthcare policy. It is consequently used to analyze the efficiency some treatments; locate the risk factors and the occurrence patterns of diseases.
  • Environmental Studies: This modus operandi makes use of statistical methods for the collection of environmental data, design of climatic models, effect of human activities on the environment, and the development of sustainable practices.

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FAQs on Statistic vs Parameter

Why do we use Statistics ?

Statistics is used to estimate the population parameters. For large size population, we use the statistical values to draw conclusion from the sample which gives an overview of the population.

Can parameters and statistics have the same numerical value?

Yes, parameters and statistics can have the same numerical value, but it depends on the context and how they are defined.

Why are Greek letters used to represent parameters and Roman letters for statistics?

Greek letters are frequently written in the formulas to show simple value or a variable relating the whole population of the problem. Roman letter is used for statistics because they are a rational quantity that is calculated from a set of samples or data

Can parameters change over time for the same population?

Of course, parameters can change over time for the same population if there is a change on the characteristics of the population them self. For instance, the average income of sample people could goes up or down during the years due financial matters or demographic shifts such as type of migration or births.

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