Static vs Dynamic Load Balancing

A load balancer is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. Load balancing usually involves dedicated software or hardware, such as a multilayer switch or a Domain Name Service server process.

Load Balancing can be classified into two types based on the behavior of the algorithm:

  • Static Load Balancing: Static load balancing is the method of dividing the incoming load on a server using algorithms that have prior information about the existing servers in the distributed network. These load balancing schemes have a pre-defined load schedule that determines a fixed amount of load that can be shed on other systems.
  • Dynamic Load Balancing: It is a more versatile scheme of load balancing which can dynamically identify the amount of load that needs to be shed during runtime and which system should bear the load.

Static Load Balancing


  1. Simplicity: Static load balancing is less complicated to enforce and manipulate. The constant configuration makes it less complicated to installation and keep.
  2. Predictability: In environments with consistent and predictable workloads, static load balancing can perform well since it distributes traffic based totally on a predetermined configuration.
  3. Lower Overhead: Static load balancing commonly incurs lower computational overhead because the distribution of traffic is fixed and does now not require continuous tracking or changes.


  1. Inflexibility: It lacks adaptability to changing conditions. Sudden increases in traffic or changes in server capacities can lead to suboptimal useful resource utilization.
  2. Risk of Overloading: If the workload distribution isn’t always well-balanced to begin with, there may be a threat of overloading certain servers while others remain underutilized.
  3. Limited Fault Tolerance: Static load balancing may additionally struggle to deal with server failure, as it does not dynamically adjust to change in the availability of resource.

Dynamic Load Balancing


  1. Adaptability: Dynamic load balancing adjusts in real-time to changing situations, making it well-proper for environments with various and unpredictable workloads.
  2. Optimal Resource Utilization: It optimizes resource utilization by directing traffic to the most to be had and capable servers, improving system performance.
  3. Scalability: Dynamic load balancing is extra scalable as it could efficiently distribute workloads across a variable quantity of servers, accommodating change in system size or capacity.


  1. Complexity: Implementing dynamic load balancing requires more complex algorithms and mechanisms. It may also involve additional overhead and a higher level of device complexity.
  2. Computational Overhead: Constant tracking and actual-time adjustments can result in increased computational overhead, doubtlessly affecting the overall system performance.
  3. Configuration Challenges: Fine-tuning dynamic load balancing algorithms and parameters can be more difficult than putting in place a static configuration, and incorrect configurations should result in suboptimal result.

Difference between Static and Dynamic Load Balancing

Sr. No. Static Load Balancing Dynamic Load Balancing
1. Designed for the system with low fluctuation in incoming load. Designed for the system with high fluctuation in incoming load.
2. Traffic is equally divided among the servers. Traffic is dynamically divided among the servers.
3. It requires deeper information about available system resources. It does not necessarily need deeper information about system resources beforehand.
4. It does not require real-time communication with the servers. It requires real-time communication actively with the servers.
5. The allocated load cannot be retransferred to other servers during runtime. The allocated load can be retransferred among servers to reduce the under utilization of resources.
6. Example: Round Robin algorithm for load balancing. Example: Least Connection algorithm for load balancing.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQs)

1. What is load balancing?

Load balancing is the process of distributing network visitors or computing workload across a couple of servers or sources to ensure best utilization and prevent even single resource from being overwhelmed.

2. When is static load balancing suitable?

Static load balancing is suitable while the system has a predictable and steady workload, and the server capacities do no longer alternate regularly. It is frequently hired in situations where the site visitors patterns are acknowledged in advance.

3. When is dynamic load balancing favored?

Dynamic load balancing is desired when the system experiences varying and unpredictable workloads. It is effective in environments wherein server capacities fluctuate, and the intention is to evolve to modifications in real-time to ensure optimal performance.

4. Can static load balancing can deal with sudden increases in traffic?

Static load balancing may struggle to deal with unexpected increases in traffic efficiently since it does not adapt in actual-time. It may also result in uneven distribution and potential overloading of positive servers.

5. How does dynamic load balancing handle server failure?

Dynamic load balancing is designed to respond to server failures by redistributing the workload to the remaining servers. This complements the device’s fault tolerance and guarantees continuous operation.

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