Star Cast Of Avengers: Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron is the direct sequel of the 2012 Superhero film ” The Avengers” under the production of Marvel Studios and the 11th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU. The story revolves around the Team of Avengers’ main protagonist Tony Stark aka Iron Man often defined as the Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, and Genius who after the events of The Avengers and the battle of New York felt that there is a serious need for protecting the world even when there is no hero present which includes his plans to create a Peacekeeping Artificial Intelligence known as Ultron. Things go miserable when Ultron misunderstood that the only way to keep the peace is to destroy humanity and build a world without any intelligent life but filled with only robots controlled by Ultron himself and finally breaks himself free from Tony Stark’s Control and becomes the Movie’s main villain. Will our heroes will able to stop this never seen threat and save the planet one more time? That’s what the movie is all about. In this article, let’s get to know more about the cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron in detail. 

‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Star-cast : 

  • Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man
  • Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America
  • Chris Hemsworth as Thor
  • Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/ Hulk
  • Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/ Hawkeye
  • Scarlett Johannsson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
  • Paul Bettany as Vision/ J.A.R.V.I.S
  • Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch
  • Anthony Mackie as Falcon
  • James Spader as the voice of Ultron
  • Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye
  • Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter

Details About The Star Cast Of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’

Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Thor, who is the crown prince of Asgard, God of Thunder, and the son of Odin, has played one of the pivotal roles in the Age of Ultron. He is among the founding members of the Avengers and due to the conflict between Asgard and Jotunheim because of his bad behavior, Thor is denied the right of becoming King and is sent to earth by his father. However, after coming to Earth, Thor learns the lesson of Humanity and becomes the ultimate savior. His hammer Mjolnir provides him with divine power to save humanity which he does responsibly. 

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man

You love him, I love him, everyone loves him! Played by Robert Downey Jr. the character of Tony Stark is defined as a billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist who is GENIUS. He with the help of Bruce Banner (Hulk) builds ULTRON, as a peace-keeping A.I. for protecting the world and eventually help the Avengers when they retire. Tony Stark as Iron man is everyone’s favorite and his mechanized suit of armor enhances his flying skills along with his ability to withstand the impact of bullets. Iron Man in Avengers: Age of Ultron, tries to save the world from his own invention ULTRON and save humanity. 

Chris Evans and Captain America

The WWW II veteran and the First Avenger, Captain America is the epitome of bravery and mercy. Steve Rogers was offered rebirth by getting injected with super-serum which increased his stamina, endurance, and strength, thus becoming Captain America the first of all. He with his protector shield helps him to sustain destruction and save everyone from the villains who try to destroy the universe. By showing the consistent display of strength, Rogers becomes an important part of the Avengers Army thus protecting everyone from villains. 

Paul Bettany as Vision

Created by ULTRON with the help of Helen Cho, Vision was referred to as a Synthezoid made from Vibranium. He was a special superhero who was given life Mind Stone, which was a powerful artifact. Played by Paul Bettany, Vision is not the only character he did but also gave voice to J.A.R.V.I.S, Stark’s A.I. However, Paul was surprised to get the role of Vision as the probability of getting more than 1 role in MCU movies is quite rare. Vision’s look in the movie is portrayed excellently and he also joins the Avengers Army in the Battle of Sokovia. He helps others by using his powers in order to prevent Ultron from transferring his consciousness to the internet.

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff

Among these Avengers: Age of Ultron characters, the twin sister of Pietro, Wanda is capable of many superpowers including hypnosis and telekinesis. She was sometimes considered as chaotic as she herself did not know the exact power she had and did not know how to control it. Wanda eventually unlocks her powers and learns her true identity that was “Scarlet Witch”. She has the power of controlling minds and is notably very powerful. In the movies, she has fought with and against the Avengers in order to hone her abilities for helping the world. The character is played by Elizabeth Olsen who is described as “Beauty with Brains”. 

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow is a deadly assassin who unites with the Avengers army and is trained in martial arts and a world champion in Kung Fu, sambo, Taekwondo, and a lot of things. She is a trained SPY who before joining the Avengers worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. as a highly trained spy network. Scarlett Johansson has done complete justice with the role and people just admire her as Black Widow. Apart from Avengers the actress has worked in several Hollywood movies and was one of the highest-paid actresses in the year 2018 and 2019.

Some Amazing Facts about this Movie : 

  • Scarlett Johannsson was pregnant during this film shoot which required 3 other stuntwomen to perform her stunts and get the job done.
  • Ultron sings the song “No Strings On Me”, a song from Pinocchio (1940), a Walt Disney film about a puppet who gains emotions and sentiments; Ultron is depicted as the dark version of Pinocchio.
  • Fox Studios and Marvel Studios basically shared the same character with the same powers who is commonly knowns as Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver but since the rights of X-Men were already sold to Fox Studios they cant refer to him as Mutant or Quicksilver, instead, they created another origin story giving the characters powers by experiments and meanwhile Fox changed its character name from Pietro to Peter to avoid confusion.

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