How to Overcome Stage Fear? Made Simple : What You Need to Know

Stage Fear: We, all students face Stage Fear, don’t we? We do fear a lot standing in front of our colleagues, and giving a presentation. But don’t you know that living in any fear is the greatest prison in the World?

Stage Fear

Well, have you ever tried to question yourself?

Why am I a lot afraid to give a small speech in front of a crowd?

If you guys didn’t do it yet then you are least concerned about your stage fear. If you have questioned yourself then let me know your answers in the comment section.

If you ask me , my answer would be — we personally think that there are a lot of people in the crowd who are much better than us , who are good at communication skills, who can fluently speak English. As we think that others are good, our confidence level certainly drops from 40 to 10 percent.

I ain’t discouraging you in anyway. I am rather pointing out the facts . So , what if they are better than you. It’s you, who should come forward and deliver the speech. They are good but they didn’t dare to come forward and speak.

Try giving a speech in front of your colleagues, in front of your friends, try giving presentations. You will have a lot of opportunities and chances to bring into play. Never miss them, If you do so, you will regret one day. If not today, if not tomorrow, might be in the future where you would be having an idea in your mind but can’t present it, that would be a total loss.

Apart from all these reasons, do you know why I am pushing you Do you know how it feels like standing in front of a large crowd and delivering a speech?

If you ask me it’s one of the best feeling that I’ve ever experienced so far. The attenders would be listening to you. You, holding a mike in one hand and doing gestures with your other hand and when the whole crowd goes ‘wow!!!! ‘. I know you got goosebumps only by reading the para I wrote. Just imagine how it would be. Everyone in the campus will come to know you. Even the lecturers will ask — ‘ Hey , I have seen you somewhere. Oh! Right. You are the one who gave the speech yesterday. It was good and your accent too. Hoping to see a lot from your side. ‘ That would be enough to make your day. Right ? Don’t you think so ?

Public speaking is not easy and it’s not something that you can master overnight. Do you think it require classes ? If you strongly believe that you need some classes to attend, should turn the pages of some English books. Then, you are actually wrong. You don’t need all those. Surely, you have to learn your vocabulary and rectify your grammar. But still your participation plays a key role.

Whenever you get a chance, make use of it. Rise your hand and participate. I promise no one will come forward without a push from their friends. The main purpose of this blog is to give you that required push you need. First of all participate, nothing else matters. Even if you aren’t that fluent in English, even if you don’t know anything just share your thoughts. I promise you that for the second time you don’t even need the small push. You would rise your hand on your own and say ‘ I would like to participate’ .

Let me tell you some key points….

  • While you are giving a presentation or any speech make sure to face the audience and eye contact is necessary.
  • Even if you don’t feel confident act like you are confident enough. Involve some gestures as the audience don’t get bored by your speech.
  • Stress the words you think are important.
  • Maintain the rising and falling tone, If the sentence is an exclamatory one.
  • Act suprised like you are living in that situation at that time.
  • Make sure to involve some of your life experiences as people are much interested in stories.
  • And last but not the least make sure voice is of good pitch. It neither should be too loud nor too low. You should adjust your voice based on the audience present in the moment.

But everything comes from participation. What may go wrong ? If you fail you would get to know your mistakes and will rectify them. If you don’t try , you will always be the same person who would be sitting in the crowd.

Hope you have got my point. Let me know your thoughts and do share some points that you think I have missed. As always it motivates me to write. ✍️

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