Stability AI vs. BigGAN: Which AI Generates More Detailed Images?

AI has been an active contributor to numerous industries globally. As it drives innovation, one of the most interesting capabilities today is image generation.

AI art is any image produced by an AI art generator. There are numerous software that can help create images based on user input. Stability AI and BigGAN are two of the top AI image generation models that work similarly.

Both these models are trained on millions of text-image pairs. But, there are minor differences when it comes to their features and pricing. In this article, we will discuss Stability AI vs BigGAN, explore their features and pricing, and compare Stable Diffusion with BigGAN.

Stability AI vs. BigGAN: Which AI Generates More Detailed Images?

  • What is Stability AI?
  • Features & Pricing of Stability AI
  • How to Generate Detailed Images on Stability AI?
  • What is BigGAN?
  • Features & Pricing of BigGAN tool
  • Steps to Generate More Detailed Images on BigGAN
  • Stability AI vs BigGAN: Comparison Chart
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

What is Stability AI?

Stability AI is the world’s top-rated open-source generative AI company. It aims to provide stable and high-quality image results. The platform is trained on a vast dataset that is based on The Pile, which gives it high performance in conversational and coding tasks. The prominent reason why professionals prefer this platform is that it improves the stability and quality of image results even from low-quality sources, making it a useful tool for enhancing low-resolution images.

Its functionality is pretty easy. You just need to input data, and it will autonomously identify and learn patterns, and based on that, it creates new instances. Its training phase involves optimizing the model to lessen the difference between the generated and original data distribution, basically using maximum likelihood estimation.

Features & Pricing of Stability AI


When it comes to Stability AI vs BigGAN, the first thing we will compare is their features and pricing. So, below-mentioned are some of its major features-

Customization: Stability AI offers numerous tools to enhance different features in an image, such as font size, color, textures, and much more

Open-Source: Its architecture, code, and related tools are available for public use and modification

Versatile: Stability AI offers particular features that enable you to use it for both static and dynamic images

Optimized for Low-Power Computers: Its design is accessible for users with limited computational resources

Image-to-image generation: You will be able to create images by using an input image and text prompt





For beginners

For individuals & teams exploring AI APIs

For beta launching your apps




Upto 13,000 Image Generations

Upto 40,000 Image Generations

Unlimited API calls

No Controlnet APIs

Access All APIs

Best for high-growth apps

3,250 API calls

10,000 API Calls

Unlimited Image Generation

5 Request per Second Limit

10 Request per second Limit

15 Request per second Limit

No Image Editing APIs

No Image Editing APIs

Image Editing APIs

How to Generate Detailed Images on Stability AI?

Stablility AI is a user-friendly platform. If you are a beginner, you should always start by understanding the basic features to build a strong foundation. For example, begin by learning its essential features, such as text-to-image and image-to-image transformations. Gradually, you should familiarize yourself with other functionalities, such as image editing, retouching, video creation, etc.

Generating images on this platform is very easy; here are the steps you need to follow-

Step 1– Go to the platform; on the home page, you will see the option ‘Enter your prompt,’ here, you need to enter the details of the type of image you want and click on ‘Generate.’ It will show you four images by default as per your instructions.

Step 2– Now, you can choose any image that goes the best according to your inputs. By clicking its thumbnail, you will be able to switch between the four images. By right-clicking on the image, you will get the browser menu, which gives you the option to save, copy or email the image.

Step 3– If you are not happy with the image, you can follow the same steps, and it will generate different images.

What is BigGAN?

BigGAN is a game-changer in high-resolution image generation. It uses machine learning to create good-quality images. It is a massive and robust GAN model that is trained on large-scale datasets. The platform can create diverse, high-quality images across numerous categories.

The best thing is that users can modify the final result by manipulating class vectors, which gives you full control over the generated images.

Features & Pricing of BigGAN tool


Let us know about some of the significant features of BigGAN and evaluate if it’s worth it-

Self-Attention Module and Hinge Loss– It allows the generator and discriminator models to focus on different parts of the image.

Skip-Z Connections– These connections were added to the generator model so that it can directly connect the input latent point to specific layers deep in the network.

Truncation Trick– This involves using a distinct distribution for the generator’s latent space during training.

Realistic images– This tool can be used in the gaming or film industry to create more realistic virtual environments or to create convincing virtual actors.


The price of BigGAN is yet to be announced as the product is not launched yet.

Steps to Generate More Detailed Images on BigGAN

This generative adversarial network allows you to explore BigGAN samples of a particular category, plus you can also interpolate between BigGAN samples. Here are the steps to generate more detailed images on BigGAN-

Step 1– The first thing you need to do is set the module path as, by default, it loads the BigGAN-deep generator for 256×256 images

Step 2– If you want to create 128×128 or 512×512 images or to use the original BigGAN generators, you will need to comment out the active module_path setting and uncomment one of the others

Step 3– Now, you need to click on ‘Runtime’ and then select ‘Run all’ to run each cell in order

Stability AI vs BigGAN: Comparison Chart

Here comes the big comparison: Stability AI vs BigGAN; let’s know about some of the major differences between the two networks-


Stability AI



This model works by corrupting the training data by progressively adding Gaussian noise

BigGAN model has two parts, the generator, and discriminator, which are the neural networks


Stable Diffusion consistently generates high-quality images without the risk of mode collapse

Achieving a stable equilibrium between the generator and discriminator is complex


Stable Diffusion models are easier to train compared to GANs, making them more accessible to a wider range of users

BigGAN is not user-friendly

Processing Time

This model takes relatively more time to generate images

It is relatively quick


This model requires more computational resources while training and inference

It requires less computation resources compared to Stability AI model


Stability AI vs BigGAN is an ongoing debate. Both of these models hold exciting possibilities, improved scalability, and handling of complex image generation tasks in a better way. These platforms can create wonderful, hilarious, and downright eccentric images from the right prompt, so try both and go with the one you like best. But, you need to keep in mind that as generative AI becomes more robust, it is also important to address the ethical concerns and possible risks that come along.


What is the future of image generative AI: Stability AI or BigGAN?

Both these models continue to evolve and improve. In fact, both of them continue to shape the field of generative AI. Although GANs have been leading this industry for a very long time , Stability AI is also a secure and authentic alternative.

What are some common issues with GANs?

Some of the major issues with GANs are that they have this frequent issue of converging and they are challenging to train.

What are some common issues with Stability AI?

Currently, Stable Diffusion models are recommended for image generation tasks and are not as versatile as GANs for applications like image-to-image translation.

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