SSC Reasoning Mock Test

 Here we are going to discuss a practice set of reasoning. Reasoning is one of the simplest and highest-scoring sections for all competitive exams. Reasoning ability shows the mindset and decision-making senses of the candidate appearing for the exam. So, this section helps to analyze the candidate’s thinking, analytical ability, and decision-making senses. In the reasoning section, we will have various types of questions like seating arrangements, puzzles, syllogism, blood relations, direction and distance, inequalities, etc. It is a tricky subject, so solving an ample number of questions primarily helps one score more marks. This article is helpful for SSC, Banking, Railways, etc. Kindly bookmark this article for future reference.

Que 1. In a certain code, β€œANKUR” is written as β€œCMMTT”, then how will the word β€œHAZARD” be written in the same code? 





Answer: b



Given code: A + 2 = C,  N -1 = M,  K + 2 = M,  U – 1 = T,  R + 2 = T,

In the similar pattern, H + 2 = J,  A – 1 = Z,  Z + 2 = B,  A – 1 = Z,  R + 2 = T,  D – 1 = C.

Hence, β€œHAZARD” will be written as β€œJZBZTC”.

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 2. Anjali is the only sister of Ajay. Shalini is the wife of Ajay. Vidhi is the daughter of Shalini. How is Anjali related to Vidhi?

a) Maternal aunt

b) Sister

c) Paternal aunt

d) Grandmother

Answer: c



Family Tree

From the family tree, we can say that Anjali is the paternal aunt of Vidhi.

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 3. Arrange the given words according to the English dictionary. 

I) Giant

II) Garbanzo

III) Geminate

IV) Gear

V) Garage

a) V, IV, III, II, I

b) II, V, III, I, IV

c) V, II, IV, III, I

d) IV, V, II, III, I

Answer: c


The correct order is Garage, Garbanzo, Gear, Geminate, and Giant.

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 4. Find the missing number in the given pattern.


a) 4

b) 6

c) 5

d) 2

Answer: a


The logic followed in the given pattern is:

(62 + 82) – 1 = 100 – 1 = 99

(32 + 52) – 6 = 34 – 6 = 28

(92 + 42) – 5 = 97 – 5 = 92

Hence, the missing number is 4.

Hence option (a) will be the correct choice.


Que 5. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown in the below figure. From the given answer figures, select the one that correctly matches the pattern when the paper is opened.


Given alternatives


Answer: d


The paper will appear as follow when it is opened.


Hence option (d) will be the correct choice.


Que 6. The difference in age between Shalini and Rohan was 15 years. Determine the present ages of Shalini and Rohan if 6 years ago the age of Shalini was twice that of Rohan.

a) 22, 37

b) 30, 15

c) 36, 21

d) 15, 30

Answer: c


Let the age of Shalini be x, and then the age of Rohan will be x-15.

Age of Shalini six years ago = x – 6.

Age of Rohan six years ago = x -15 – 6 = x – 21.

6 years ago, the age of the Shalini was twice that of Rohan, i.e., 

β‡’ x – 6 = 2 (x – 21)

β‡’ x – 6 = 2x – 42 

β‡’ x = 36

Age of Shalini = 36 years

Age of Rohan = x – 15 = 36 – 15 = 21 years

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 7. Find the value of the missing number in the given series.

6, 8, 13, 23, 40, ?, 103, 153.

a) 56

b) 66

c) 76

d) 86

Answer: b


[(0 Γ— 1) + 2] + 6 = 8

[(1 Γ— 2) + 3] + 8 = 13

[(2 Γ— 3) + 4] + 13 = 23

[(3 Γ— 4) + 5] + 23 = 40

[(4 Γ— 5) + 6] + 40 = 66

[(5 Γ— 6) + 7] + 66 = 103

[(6 Γ— 7) + 8] + 103 = 153

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 8. Choose the odd pair of numbers from the given set of alternatives.

a) 25 – 38

b) 78 – 91

c) 34 – 47

d) 83 – 106

Answer: d


25 + 13 = 38

78 + 13 = 91

34 + 13 = 47

83 + 23 = 106

As the sum of all 2-digit numbers is a 2-digit number except option d.

Hence option (d) will be the correct choice.


Que 9. In the given question, choose the correct number from the given alternatives.

6 : 217 : : 9 : ?

a) 82

b) 729

c) 730

d) 81

Answer: c


63 + 1 = 217

Similarly, 93 + 1 = 730

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 10. Latha starts from her workplace and goes 400 m towards the south. She then turned to her left and went for 550 m. She then turned to her right and went for another 600 m. Finally, she turned to her right again and went for 800 m before reaching her destination. In which direction is Latha facing now from her workplace?

a) North-West

b) South-East

c) North-East

d) South-West

Answer: d



From the path followed, we can conclude that Latha is facing in the southwest direction from her workplace.

Thus, the South-west is the correct option.

Hence option (d) will be the correct choice.


Que 11. In the given question, choose the correct word that cannot be formed using the word β€œBARGAINING”.





Answer: a


The word β€œGARBAGE” cannot be formed from β€œBARGAINING” as the letter β€œE” is not there in the given word.

Hence option (a) will be the correct choice.


Que 12. The circle represents dancers, the rectangle represents accountants, and the square represents managers. Now, which set of letters represents managers who are either dancers or accountants?

a) I, G, H

b) H, J

c) A, D

d) B, C, F


Answer: b


The set of letters that represents managers who are either dancers or accountants is H, J.

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 13. Which of the following alternatives will complete the given figure?


Given alternatives: 


Answer: d


Option β€œd” completes the given pattern.


Que 14. Jaya is the sister of Akash. Laxmi is the mother of Akash. Benny is the son of Akash. Benny and Mahi are brother and sister. How is Mahi related to Jaya?

a) Aunt

b) Nephew

c) Niece

d) Cousin

Answer: c




From the family tree, we can conclude that Mahi is the niece of Jaya.

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 15. Sahil went 28 km towards the east and then went 34 km by turning to the north. He travelled another 56 km, turning left. Once again, he turned to his left and went for 34 km, finally reaching his destination. What is the shortest distance between his destination and the starting point?

a) 34 km

b) 56 km

c) 28 km

d) 50 km

Answer: c



The shortest distance between his destination and the starting point is 28 km.

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 16. Which of the following jumbled words is neither a fruit nor a beverage?





Answer: d


a) EAPLP β‡’ APPLE (fruit)

b) SOESXEPR β‡’ EXPRESSO (beverage)

c) ANMGO β‡’ MANGO (fruit)

d) TOCRAR β‡’ CARROT (vegetable)

Hence option (d) will be the correct choice.


Que 17. In the question given below, two statements are given, followed by two conclusions. Let us assume that the given statements are true and decide which of the given conclusions can be drawn from them.


All pillows are mattresses.

No mattress is a cot.


I) No pillow is a cot.

II) All mattresses are pillows.

a) Only conclusion II follow

b) Only conclusions I follow

c) Both conclusions I and II follow

d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.

Answer: b




I. No pillow is a cot β‡’ It is true.

II. All mattresses are pillows β‡’ It is possible but not definite, hence it is false.

Hence, the only conclusion I follow.

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 18. Which of the given equations is correct if β€œA” means β€œ+”, β€œM” means β€œΓ—β€, β€œS” means β€œ-,” and β€œG” means β€œ>”?

a) 26G 5M 6A 4

b) 6M 7G 47A 5

c) 9M 6S 3G 45

d) 73G 7M 9A 10 

Answer: c



a) 26G 5M 6A 4 β‡’ 26 > 5 Γ— 6 + 4 β‡’ 26 > 30 + 4 β‡’ 26 >34 β‡’ False

b) 6M 7G 47A 5 β‡’ 6 Γ— 7 > 47 + 5 β‡’ 42 > 52 β‡’ False

c) 9M 6S 3G 45 β‡’ 9 Γ— 6 – 3 > 45 β‡’ 54 – 3 > 45 β‡’ 51 > 45 β‡’ True

d) 33G 7M 9S 10 β‡’ 33 > 7 Γ— 9 – 10 β‡’ 33 > 63 – 10 β‡’ 33 > 53 β‡’ False

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 19. Find out the missing term that completes the given series.

243X53, 81T54, 27P57, 9L62,?

a) 3G69

b) 3H69

c) 3H71

d) 1H69

Answer: b


The logic followed in the given series is,

First numbers: 243 Γ· 3 = 81, 81 Γ· 3 = 27, 27 Γ· 3 = 9, 9 Γ· 3 = 3

Letters: X – 4 = T,  T – 4 = P,  P – 4 = L,  L – 4 = H

Second numbers: 53 + 1 = 54,  54 + 3 = 57,  57 + 5 = 62,  62 + 7= 69

Hence, the next term is 3H69.

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 20. Choose the odd one out of the given alternatives where a particular logic is followed in between the letters.





Answer: c



DFIM β‡’ D + 2 = F, F + 3 = I, I + 4 = M.

SUXB β‡’ S + 2 = U, U + 3 = X, X + 4 = B.

QSUW β‡’ Q + 2 = S, S + 2 = U, U + 2 = W.

HJMQ β‡’ H + 2 = J, J + 3 = M, M + 4 = Q.

Option c doesn’t follow the same patterns as followed by options a, b and d.

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 21. From the given jumbled words, which word will come in the second position when they are arranged in dictionary order?





Answer: d



b) ALME β‡’ MALE 



correct dictionary order is MALE, MANGO, MATCH, and MISSION.

So, the word that comes in the second position when they are arranged in dictionary order is MANGO.

Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.


Que 22. From the given alternatives, choose the one that is hidden in the question figure.


Given alternatives


Answer: b

Explanation: The given figure is embedded in option b.


Que 23. Aditi, Bhavesh, Chitra, Dhanush, Emily, and Firoz are sitting on a bench facing north. Firoz sits at the extreme left end, to the second left of Chitra. Dhanush sits immediate left of Emily, who is third to the right of Chitra. Aditi is not a neighbor of Firoz. Which of the following people is sitting next to Firoz?

a) Aditi

b) Bhavesh

c) Chitra

d) Dhanush

Answer: b



We can see that Bhavesh is sitting next to Firoz.

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 24. Which of the given equations is correct if β€œA” means β€œ+”, β€œM” means β€œΓ—β€, β€œS” means β€œ-,” β€œD” means β€œΓ·β€, β€œL” means β€œ<β€œ, and β€œG” means β€œ>”?

a) 81L5M8A10D2

b) 58A30G7M8S13

c) 43G11M8A24D6

d) 72.5L14M5S9A3

Answer: b



a) 81L 5M 8A 10D2 β‡’ 81 < 5 Γ— 8 + 10 Γ· 2 β‡’ 81 < 40 + 5 β‡’ 81 < 45 β‡’ False

b) 58A 30G 7M 8S 13 β‡’ 58 + 30 > 7 Γ— 8 – 13 β‡’ 88 > 56 – 13 β‡’ 88 > 43 β‡’ True

c) 43G 11M 8A 24D 6 β‡’ 43 > 11 Γ— 8 + 24 Γ· 6 β‡’ 43 > 88 + 4 β‡’ 43 > 92 β‡’ False

d) 72.5L 14M 5S 9A 3 β‡’ 72.5 < 14 Γ— 5 – 9 + 3 β‡’ 72.5 < 70 – 6 β‡’ 72.5 < 64 β‡’ False 

Hence option (b) will be the correct choice.


Que 25. Which of the following will come third among the given alternatives in their dictionary order?

a) Nepotism

b) Negotiate 

c) Nepenthes 

d) Nephalism

Answer: d


The correct order is Negotiate, Nepenthes, Nephalism, and, Nepotism.

Hence option (d) will be the correct choice.



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