SSC CGL Prelims Reasoning Question Paper 2019

SSC CGL has conducted its exam in 2019 in many shifts. Here we have created a memory-based SSC CGL Prelims Reasoning Question Paper 2019 which will be beneficial for your preparation. Previous year paper will give you idea how to approach the exam and plan accordingly.  

Q1. Which two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
18 + 3 – 6 ÷ 5 × 3 = 15
(a) + and –
(b) – and ÷ 
(c) + and ×
(d) + and ÷ 
Solution: (d)
18 + 3 – 6 ÷ 5 × 3 = 15
on interchanging + and ÷
18 ÷ 3 – 6 + 5 × 3
6 – 6 + 15 = 15

Q2. Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest.
(a) 30
(b) 10
(c) 125
(d) 68
Solution: (c)
33+ 3 = 30
23+ 2 = 10
43+ 4 = 68
53 + 5 ≠ 125

Q3. Select the number-pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as are the two numbers of the following number-pair , 9 : 27
(a) 4 : 20
(b) 12 : 72
(c) 15 : 75
(d) 13 : 56
Solution: (c)
9 = 92 ÷ 3 = 81 ÷ 3 = 27
Similarly, 15 = 152÷ 3 = 225 ÷ 3 = 75

Q4. Select the venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes
Ground, bowler, Batsman


Solution: (a)
Inside a ground there will be different bowler and batsman hence they will not intersect. Therefore option a is correct. 

Q5. A is the father of B and the grandfather of C, who is the brother of D. E is mother of D. E is married to F. How is F related to A?
(a) Son-in-law
(b) Brother-in-law
(c) Son
(d) Nephew
Solution: (a)


F is the Son-in-law of A.

Q6. Which Alphabet will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
B, E, J, Q,?
(a) Y
(b) Z
(c) W
(d) X
Solution: (b)
B = 12+ 1 = 2(Place Value of B)
E = 22+ 1 = 5 ….and so on
Similarly, Z = 52+ 1 = 26

Q7. Two different positions of the same dice are shown. Which number will be at the top if 3 is at the bottom?


(a) 1
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
Solution: (d)
Opposite faces are:


Q8. Three of the following four-letter clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Select the odd one out.
(a) SOLJ
(b) TPMK
(c) XSQO
(d) PLIG


XSQO is odd, -4, -2, -2 Pattern. Except for option C all the Follow Pattern -4, -3, -2.

Q9. Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given letter series will complete the series.
(a) bdccd
(b) bcddb
(c) bdcdc
(d) bdcdc
Solution: (a)

Q10. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set ,(9, 25, 49)
(a) (12, 28, 51)
(b) (11, 22, 46)
(c) (15, 31, 55)
(d) (5, 20, 44) 
Solution: (c)
Difference between 16 and 24.


Q11. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series. 



Solution: (a)

Q12. How many triangles are there in the following figure?


a) 30
b) 16
c) 32
d) 34
Solution: (c)

Q13. Select the option that is related to third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word.
Farmer: Crop:: Teacher:?
a) Teaching
b) Student
c) School
d) Tutorial  
Solution: (b)
The logic used: Farmer is accountable for nurturing crop in the same way teacher is accountable and responsible for nurturing student.

Q14. A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when unfolded?



Solution: (b)

Q15. If LAMP is coded as 1211316 and MORE is coded as 1315185, then how will LAKE be coded as ?
(a) 121105
(b) 121116
(c) 121115
(d) 121135
Solution: (c)


The logic used: Position of the alphabet in alphabetical series is used. 
LAKE is Codded as 121115.

Q16. Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in


(a) 35
(b) 38
(c) 40
(d) 45
Solution: (a)
Column- 1, 45 + 80 – 35 = 90
Column- 2, 36 + 64 – 44 = 56
Similarly, 67 + 23 -55 = 35

Q17. Two statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Some motor is bus. 
No car is motor. 
I. All car is Bus. 
II. All Bus being motor is a possibility. 
III. Some bus is not Car. 
(a) Only conclusions II and III follow
(b) All conclusions follow
(c) only conclusion III follow
(d) Only conclusion I follow
Solution: (a)


Only conclusions II and III follow

Q18. If PLATFORM is coded as 24 and STATION is coded as 21, then how will AEROPLANE be coded as? 
(a) 25
(b) 18
(c) 27
(d) 30
Solution: (c)
Count the total number of letters multiply by 3.
PLATFORM – 8 x 3 = 24
Similarly, AEROPLANE =  9 x 3 = 27

Q19. Find out the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives
(a) Watermelon 
(b) Peach
(c) Tomato 
(d) Pomegranate 
Solution: (c)
Tomato is Vegetable, rest are all Fruits.

Q20. Three of the following four-word pairs are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out. 
(a) Bangladesh : Taka
(b) North Korea : Won
(c) Iraq: Rial
(d) China: Yuan
Solution: (c)
The currency of Iraq is the dinar.

Q21. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series;



Solution: (d)

Q22. In a code language, EDUCATION is coded as ACDEIONTU. How will SEVERAL be written as 
in that language.
Solution: (a)
The logic used: All alphabets are in ascending order.

Q23. The ratio of the present ages of Reena and Meena is 3: 4. If Reena’s age is 21 years, then what will be her age of Meena? 
a) 35 
b) 32
c) 28
d) 21
Solution: (c)
Reena : Meena = 3 : 4
3x : 4x
3x = 21
X = 7
What will be age of Meena
4x = 4*7 = 28 Years

Q24. Arrange the following words in a logical and meaningful order
1. Medicine
2. Illness
3. Recovery
4. Doctor
(a) 2, 3, 1, 4
(b) 4, 2, 1, 3
(c) 2, 1, 4, 3
(d) 2, 4, 1, 3
Solution: (d)
Correct order:  Illness-Doctor-Medicine-Recovery

Q25. The following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest. 
(a) 487
(b) 964
(c) 657
(d) 892
Solution: (c)
The sum of all digits is 19 except option C.

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