SSC CGL Prelims GS Practice Test -3

The General Study section is a scoring part for STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL exam. So following we are giving 25 important questions for the SSC CGL exams. It may help in the general study section.  


Que 1. Which river was called Vitasta in the Rigvedic period?

(a) Chenab
(b) Ravi
(c) Jhelum
(d) Gandak
Ans. (c)  Jhelum
Explanation – In the Rigvedic period, the river Vitasta was called Jhelum.

Rigvedic period river  Present name
Vitasta Jhelum
Vipasa Beas
Askini Ravi


Que 2. Gayatri Mantra is related to the Rigveda”s which Mandal?

(a) Nine Mandal
(b) Seven Mandal
(c) Third Mandal
(d) Six Mandal
Ans. (c) Third Mandal
Explanation – Gayatri Mantra is mentioned in the Third Mandal of Rigveda. This Mandal is written by Vishwamitra. This Mandal is dedicated to Devi SAVITA.

Que 3. Who is the author of the famous Jain Granth Kalpasutra?

(a) Bhadrabahu
(b) Padmaswami
(c) Nemichandra
(d) Mallison
Ans. (a) Bhadrabahu
Explanation – The creator of the Jain Granth Kalpasutra is Bhadrabahu. It is the main Granth of the Digambara sect of Jainism.


Que 4. which of the religion is related to Syadvad?

(a) Ajivak
(b) Jain dharma
(c) Kapalika
(d) Mahayaan

 Ans. (b)  Jain dharma
Explanation – Syadvada is a major sect of Jainism. Jainism was founded by Mahavir Swami.

Que 5. Which of the following texts was not composed by Emperor Harsha?

(a) Buddha Charitra
(b) priyadarsika
(c) Ratnavali
(d) nagananda

 Ans. (a) Buddha Charitra
Explanation – BuddhaCharita has been composed by Ashvaghosh. The creation of Priyadarsika, Nagananda, and Ratnavali is done by Harsha. Harshvardhan is a famous ruler of the Vardhan dynasty. Harshavardhana has written all these three texts in the Sanskrit language.

Que 6. Which dynasty was founded by Ghazi Malik?

(a) Slave dynasty
(b) Khilji dynasty
(c) Tughlaq dynasty
(d) Lodi dynasty

 Ans. (c)  Tughlaq dynasty
Explanation – 

Dynasty  Founder
Slave Qutubuddin Aibak
Khilji Jalaluddin Khilji
Tughlaq Ghazi Malik
Lodi  Bahlol Lodi


Que 7. During the reign of which ruler was the Persian traveller Abdul Razzaq India?

(a) Krishnadevaraya
(b) Bukka Pratham
(c) Dev Raya II
(d) Harihar Pratham

 Ans. (c) ) Dev Raya II
Explanation – Abdul Razzaq came to India during the reign of Dev Raya II. Dev Raya II was a great ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire.

Que 8. Who founded the Bahmani kingdom?

(a) Alauddin Hasan
(b) Zain-ul-Abidin
(c) Hussain Nizam Shah
(d) Mohammed bin Tughlaq

 Ans. (a) Alauddin Hasan
Explanation – Alauddin Hasan founded the Bahmani kingdom.

Que 9. Who among the following rulers was the first Nawab of Awadh?

(a) Asad Khan
(b) Chinkilich Khan
(c) Saadat Khan
(d) Safdarjung

 Ans. (c)  Saadat Khan
Explanation – The first Nawab of Awadh was Saadat Khan.In 1722 AD, Saadat Khan has appointed the Subedar of Awadh.
                        He died in 1739 AD.

Que 10. Which Governor General abolished the Dual Governance in Bengal?

(a) Lord Cornwallis
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Clubrt Clyb

 Ans. (c) Warren Hastings
Explanation – The dual governance system was abolished from Bengal in 1722 during the tenure of Warren Hastings. The Dual Governance System was introduced in Bengal by Robert Club in 1765.


Que 11. Dalma hills are located in which state?

(a) Meghalaya
(b) Nagaland
(c) Manipur
(d) Jharkhand

 Ans. (d)  Jharkhand
Explanation – Dalma Hills is located in Jharkhand.

Hills State
  Garo  Meghalaya
 Miri Arunachal Pradesh
  Kollai Malai  Tamil Nadu
 Mandav Hills Gujarat
  Shevaroy  Tamilnadu


Que 12. Which is the highest peak in South India?

(a) Guru Shikhar
(b) Amarkantak
(c) Anamudi
(d) Mahendragiri

 Ans. (c) Anamudi
Explanation – Anamudi is the highest peak in South India. This peak is part of the Paschimi Ghat range. It is located in the Idukki district of Kerala. Its height is 2695 meters.

Que 13. Which one of the following glaciers is not located in the Karakoram range?

(a) Siachen
(b) Hispar
(c) Sasaini
(d) Zemu

 Ans. (d)  Zemu 
Explanation – Zemu glacier is located in Sikkim/Nepal. Siachen, Hispar, Sasaini, Baltoro, Chogolungma and Biafo are all located in the Karakoram range. The Siachen Glacier is the largest in India.

Que 14. In which state does the Gaddi tribe live?

(a) Gujarat
(b) Uttarakhand
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Arunachal Pradesh

 Ans. (c)  Himachal Pradesh
Explanation – 

Tribes Related States
Gaddi  Himachal Pradesh
  Santhal  Eastern India
 Tharu Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar
Bhutia Sikkim, West Bengal
Munda  Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal
Lepcha Sikkim
 Daftar Gujarat
Dafla Arunachal Pradesh

Que 15. Which of the following rivers meet at Karna Prayag?

(a) Alaknanda and Pindar
(b) Alaknanda and Mandakini
(c) Alaknanda and Bhagirathi
(d) Alaknanda and Nandakini

 Ans. (a) ) Alaknanda and Pindar
Explanation-  Alaknanda and Pindar – Karna Prayag
                      Alaknanda and Mandakini – Rudra Prayag
                      Alaknanda and Bhagirathi – Dev Prayag
                      Alaknanda and Nandakini – Nand Prayag

Que 16. Tel River is a tributary of which river?

(a) Krishna
(b) Kaveri
(c) Godavari
(d) Mahanadi

 Ans. (d) Mahanadi

Explanation- Tel River is a tributary of Mahanadi. It is a major river of Odisha. Shivnath, Jonk, Hasdo, etc. are other major tributaries of Mahanadi.

Que 17. Which of the following rivers does not originate from the Amarkantak plateau?

(a) Godavari
(b) Mahanadi
(c) Son
(d) Narmada

 Ans. (a) Godavari
Explanation – Godavari originates from Trimbakeshwar in the Nashik district of Maharashtra. All three rivers Narmada, Son and Mahanadi originate from Amarkantak (Maikal mountain). The Godavari Peninsula is the longest river in India. The Godavari is also known as Old Ganga.

Que 18. In which country is Mount Taal Volcano located?

(a) The Philippines
(b) Malaysia
(c) Italy
(d) Mexico

Ans. (a)  The Philippines
Explanation – Mount Taal Volcano is located in the Philippines.

Que 19. Yeast and mushroom are examples of which of the following?

(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungi
(c) Algae
(d) Gymnosperm

 Ans. (b)  Fungi
Explanation – Yeast and mushroom are examples of fungi. Yeast is a member of the Ascomycetes family. Mushroom is a member of the Basidiomycetes family.

Que 20. Cotton is mainly made up of?

(a) Fatty acid
(b) Protein
(c) Cellulose
(d) Carbohydrates

 Ans. (c)  Cellulose
Explanation – Structure of Cotton –
                       Cellulose – 91%
                       water – 8%
                       protoplasm – 0.55 %
                       Fat content -0.40%

Que 21. Morphine is obtained from which part of the plant?

(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Flower
(d) Fruit

 Ans. (d) Fruit
Explanation – Morphine is obtained from the fruits of the poppy plant. Poppy is an Angiospermic plant. Morphine is used as a pain reliever.

Que 22. Which salt is found in maximum quantity in human bones?

(a) Sodium chloride
(b) Magnesium chloride
(c) Calcium carbonate
(d) Calcium phosphate

 Ans. (d) Calcium phosphate
Explanation – Calcium phosphate is the most abundant element found in human bones.

Que 23. On which date the Indian Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly?

(a) 15th July,1950
(b) 26 November,1949
(c) 26 January,1950
(d) 15th August,1947

 Ans. (b)  26 November 1949
Explanation – The Indian Constitution was approved by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949.

Que 24. Which constitutional amendment made education a fundamental right?

(a) 61st Constitutional Amendment
(b) 69th Constitutional Amendment
(c) 86th Constitutional Amendment
(d) 91st Constitutional Amendment

 Ans. (c)  86th Constitutional Amendment
Explanation – Basic Elementary Education right was created by the 86th Constitutional Amendment, 2002. This Act came into force with effect on 1st April 2010. Article 21-A was added in Part 3 of the Constitution. According to this, the state will make arrangements for compulsory and free education for all children of 6 to 14 years.

Que 25. Under which article of the Constitution is the impeachment of the President done?

(a) Article 54
(b) Article 61
(c) Article 56
(d) Article 143

 Ans. (b)  Article 61
Explanation – The impeachment of the President of India is carried out under Article 61


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