Square Root of 9

Square Root of 9 is equal to 3. It is represented as √9 or 91/2. The Square Root of a number is defined as the number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number. When multiplied by itself, √9 will result in the number 9. Hence, the value of the square root of 9 is 3.

In this article, we will learn what is the value of the square root of 9, how to find the value of the square root of 9.

Table of Content

  • What is the Square Root of 9?
  • How to Find the Square Root of 9?
  • Square Root of 9 by Guess and Check Method
  • Square Root of 9 by Long Division Method
  • Square Root 9 by Prime Factorization Method

What is the Square Root of 9?

The square root of 9 is denoted as √9. It is a rational number, meaning it results in a perfect square. When we talk about the square root of 9, we’re looking for a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives us number 9 i.e., 3 as 3 × 3 = 9.

Square Root of 9 is given as:

√9 = 3 × 3

Square Root of 9 Calculator

Try out the following calculator to find out the square root of 9

Value of Square Root of 9

The numerical value of square root 9 is 3 which mean 9 is a perfect square.

√9 = √32 = 3

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How to Find the Square Root of 9?

The square root of a number is a value that, when you multiply it by itself, you get the original number. To find the square root, first, see if the number is a perfect square, which means its root is a whole number. It’s easier to figure out the square root of a perfect square than a number that’s not perfect.

For example, if we talk about first five natural numbers, then we are going to find their perfect square below:

Natural Number

Perfect Square

1 × 1


2 × 2


3 × 3


4 × 4


5 × 5


As shown above {1, 4, 9, 16, 25},etc. are the perfect square.

Note: 9 is a Perfect Square.

To compute the square root of a non-negative number, we usually use these methods,

  • Guess and Check Method
  • Long Division Method
  • Prime Factorization Method (Only for Perfect Square Number)

Let’s learn about these method in detail one by one .

Square Root of 9 by Guess and Check Method

In the Guess and Check method, we generally make a initial guess and then think it wisely and try to refine to get a number that is bit closer to the actual value.

Step 1: Begin by making an initial guess for the square root of the given number. As this depends on your understanding on perfect squares.

Step 2: Square your first guess, then multiply that number and check whether you find your number or not, If not then you need to move to next step , else you got your answer.

Step 3: If the result is too large, then you choose a large number you should think less than that number vice versa.

Step 4: You need to repeat the process until you get the original number.

Step 5: Once you got your special number for the original number, then you should check by multiplying by itself. Once you confirm, its sure that you had done a perfect approximation.

Now, Lets apply these steps for finding Square root of 9,

Step 1: Let’s start with the guess √9 = 3.

Step 2: Check whether when we multiply by itself it gives original number or not as 3 × 3 = 9, so you got the original number.

Step 3: So, you got square root of 9 by Guess and Check Method.

Square Root of 9 by Long Division Method

To find the square root of any number using Long Division, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Group digits in pairs from the decimal point (if any) to the left and right.

Step 2: Find a number which is more suitable for the division or the number Whose Square is Less Than or Equal to the Original number.

Step 3: Subtract the perfect square from the first group of digits.

Step 4: Write down the next pair of digits.

Step 5: Double the current answer and find a digit to place next to it that, when multiplied by the new number, is less than or equal to the current number.

Step 6: Repeat steps 4-6 until desired accuracy is reached.

As We discussed earlier, 9 is a perfect square, So we get easily the square root by Long Division Method, Let’s discuss how we find it in the following steps:

Step 1: We must first write 9 as 9.000000 to make it easier to divide.

Step 2: Now, Check whether 9 is perfect square or not, and we find yes 9 is a perfect square.

Step 3: If we found the perfect square, then simply get your answer as the square root of the number.

Square Root 9 by Prime Factorization Method

In this method, we normally perform the prime factorization and pair the factors to find the square root value. If we get a pair of every number, then we must say that number is a perfect square.

For a Perfect Square

Suppose, The number 16, if we talk about their Prime factors, We got {2, 2, 2, 2} as their prime factor. As we noticed every number has an Identical pair then, we must say 16 is a perfect square and then We need to multiply the one element of every pair to find the square root of the 16. Like, we got 2 pairs here {(2 , 2) , (2 , 2)} then we need to multiply one element of every pair. So [2×2=4], 4 is the Square root of 16.

For a Non-Perfect Square

If we find any number which is not a perfect square, then You need to perform similar process, We need to find their prime factors, then we must find a non pair number, like if we talk about 12, we got {2, 2, 3} as their prime factors. We get a non-pair element.

As we understand we may write any number X as √X × √X. So make a pair of any single number like this.

Prime factors pairs for 12 is {(2 × 2),(√3 × √3)}.

So Square root of 12 is (2 ×√3).

Prime Factorization of 9

As we know, 9 is a perfect square.

So, If we talk about their prime factors, We get {3 , 3}. As we write 9 as 3 × 3 so that we get 9.

√9 = 3

So, Square root of 9 is 3.

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Square Root of 9 – FAQs

What is the Value of Square Root of 9?

The value of the square root of 9, is 3.

Is Square Root of 9 Rational or Irrational Number?

Square Root of 9 i.e., √9 is an rational number as it can be written as √9 = 3.

Is 9 a Perfect Square?

Yes, 9 is a perfect square as it can be written as 3 × 3.

Is the Square Root of 9 Negative?

Square root of 9 is 3, which is an positive integer or a natural number.

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