Square Root of 1

Square Root of 1 is 1. Square Root of a number is the number that when multiplied with itself results in the original number. Square root of 1 is the simplest natural number whose square root can be calculated.

In this article, we will learn what is square root of 1, how to find the value of square root of 1 and related facts.

What is Square Root of 1?

Square Root of 1 is 1

Square Root of a number is the number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number. This number is called the Square of the square root number.

We know that if we multiply 1 with 1, we get 1 as (1 × 1 = 1).

We can represent the square root of 1 in the following form:

  • Square Root of 1 in Radical Form: √1
  • Square Root of 1 in Fractional Exponent Form: (1)1/2

Note: 1 is the only special number that when multiplied by itself results in itself.

How to Find Square Root of 1?

We can find the square root of 1 using following two methods:

  • Guess and Check Methods
  • Long Division Method

Guess and Check Method

In the Guess and Check method, we generally make a initial guess and then think it wisely and try to refine to get a number that is bit closer to the actual value.

Steps for this method:

Step 1: Begin by making an initial guess for the square root of the given number.

Step 2: Square your first guess, then multiply that number and check whether you find you number or not If not then try next number

Step 3: If the result is too large, then you choose a large number you should think less than that number vice versa.

Step 4: Repeat your process until you get your original number.

For Example, finding square root of 1 can using guess and check method can be performed as follows:

Step 1: Let’s start with the guess √1 = 1.

Step 2: Check whether when we multiply by itself it gives original number or not as 1 × 1 =1, so I got my original number.

Step 3: So, We got the square root of 1 by guess method.

Square Root of 1 by Long Division Method

To Find the Square root of 1, we need to follow the steps:

Step 1: We must first write 1 as 1.000000 to make it easier to divide.

Step 2: Divide 1 with the closest perfect square. We find that 1 itself is a perfect square

Step 3: Write 1 in Divisor, 1 in dividend and 1 in quotient. Hence, we get zero as remainder. Thus the square root of 1 is 1.

Is -1 Square Root of 1?

Yes, -1 is a square root of 1.

This can be explained as follows:

-1 when multiplied with -1 gives 1.

-1 × -1 = 1

Hence, as per definition of square root, it is the number which when multiplied by itself gives the original number. Since, -1 on multiplying with itself gives 1, hence -1 is square root of 1.

Also, Check

Square Root of 1 – Frequently Asked Questions

Is 1 a Perfect Square or not?

Yes, 1 is Perfect Square.

Is Square Root of 1 Rational or Irrational?

The Square root of 1 is 1 which is a rational number

How to write Square Root of 1 in Radical Form?

Square Root of 1 in Radical Form is written as”√1″ = 1.

Does 1 has Negative Square Root?

Yes, 1 has negative square root in the form of -1

What is the Square of 1?

Square of 1 is 1

What is the Square Root of -1?

The square root of -1 is imaginary number iota represented by i.

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