Square Meters to Square Inches

Square Meters to Square Inches conversion is used to convert the SI unit of area m2 into other units. It is useful for measuring various objects used in our daily life, area of a room, furniture, etc is measured in m2 whereas an in2 is used to measure the length of tiles, floors, etc.

Unit Conversion

Unit conversion means the process of conversion between various units of measurement for the same quantity. This process consists of multiple steps that include multiplication or division by a numerical factor or a conversion factor. In mathematics, the conversion of one unit of measurement to another is widely used as per the requirements of calculations. So, we need to perform unit conversions of the given quantity while solving some problems so that the calculations can be carried out.

For example, you are asked to find the area of a field in hectares, but the side length of the field is given in meters. So, after determining the area of a field, we have to convert the obtained area in square meters to hectares. In this article, we learn about the conversion of square meters to square inches, where a square meter and a square inch are the units used for the measurement of area.

Square Meter is a metric unit of area measurement, that is expressed as m2. It is the area of a square whose sides measure one meter each. One square meter can be written symbolically as 1 sq. m or 1 m2. The value of one square meter is equal to 0.0001 hectares, 0.000247105381 acres, 0.0247105381 cents, 10-6 square kilometers, 1.195990 square yards, 10.763911 square feet, and 1550.0031 square inches.

1 Square meter = 1 m × 1 m

1 Square meter = 1550 Square inches

Square Inch is an Imperial or U.S. customary unit of area measurement that is expressed as in2. It is the area of a square with measurements of one inch long and one inch wide. One square inch can be written symbolically as 1 sq. in. or 1 in2. The value of one square inch is equal to 6.4516 × 10-8 hectares, 1.5942 × 10-7 acres, 0.0007716 square yards, 0.00694444 square feet, and 6.4516 square centimeters.

1 Square inch = 1 in × 1 in

1 Square inch = 64.516 × 10-5 square meters

How to Convert Square Meters to Square Inches?

The value of one square meter is equal to 1550.0031 square inches. So, to convert square meters to square inches, we need to multiply the given square meter value by 1550.0031, i.e.,

1 Square meter = 1550. square inches

n × 1 Square meter = n × 1550 Square inches

Example: Convert 1.43 square meters into square inches.


We know that,

1 square meter = 1550 square inches

So, to convert 1.43 square meters to square inches, we have to multiply 1.43 by 1550 i.e.,

1.43 square meters = 1.43 × 1550 square inches

1.43 m2 =  2,216.5 in2

Thus, the value of 1.43 square meters is approximately equal to 2,216.5 square inches.

Conversion Table of Square Meters to Square Inches

We know that the value of 1 Square Meter is equal to 1550.0031 square inches. Now, have a look at the conversion table used for the conversion of square meters to square inches given below. 

 Square Meters  Square Inches 





















Solved Examples on m2 to in2

Example 1: Convert 5.3 square meters into square inches.


We know that,

1 Square meter = 1550 square inches


5.3 square meters = 5.3 × 1550 square inches

5.3 m2 = 8,215 in2

Hence, the value of 5.3 square meters is approximately equal to 8,215 square inches.

Example 2: Convert 19.21 square meters into square inches.


We know that,

1 Square meter = 1550 square inches


19.21 square meters = 19.21 × 1550 square inches

19.21 m2 = 29,775.56 in2

Hence, the value of 19.21 square meters is approximately equal to 29,775.56 square inches.

Example 3: Convert 2050 square inches into square meters.


We know that,

1 Square inch = 64.516 × 10-5 square meters


2050 square inches = 2050 × 64.516 × 10-5 square meters

2050 in2 = 1.322578 m2 ≈ 1.323 m2

Hence, the value of 2050 square inches is approximately equal to 1.323 square meters.

Example 4: Convert 17.7 square inches into square meters.


We know that,

1 Square inch = 64.516 × 10-5 square meters


17.7 square inches = 17.7 × 64.516 × 10-5 square meters

17.7 in2 = 0.011419332 m2 ≈ 114.193 × 10-4 m2

Hence, the value of 17.7 square inches is approximately equal to 114.193 × 10-4 square meters.

FAQs on Square Meters to Square Inches

Question 1: What is a square meter?


A square meter is a metric unit of area measurement, that is expressed as m2. It is the area of a square whose sides measure one meter each. One square meter can be written symbolically as 1 sq. m or 1 m2

1 Square meter = 1 m × 1 m

Question 2: What is a square inch?


A square inch is an Imperial or U.S. customary unit of area measurement that is expressed as in2. It is the area of a square with measurements of one inch long and one inch wide. One square inch can be written symbolically as 1 sq. in. or 1 in2.

1 Square inch = 1 in × 1 in

Question 3: How to convert square meters to square inches?


The value of one square meter is equal to 1550.0031 square inches. So, to convert square meters to square inches, we need to multiply the given square meter value by 1550.0031, i.e.,

1 Square meter = 1550.0031 square inches

n × 1 Square meter = n × 1550.0031 Square inches

Question 4: What is meant by the unit conversion?


Unit conversion means the process of conversion between various units of measurement for the same quantity. This process consists of multiple steps that include multiplication or division by a numerical factor or a conversion factor.

Question 5: How to convert square inches to square meters?


The relationship between square inches and square meters is given as follows:

1 Square inch = 64.516 × 10-5 square meters

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