SQL Server SELECT INTO @Variable

In the world of SQL Server, the SELECT INTO statement is a powerful syntax for retrieving data from one or more tables and inserting it into a new table. However, what if you want to store the result set of a SELECT query into a variable rather than a table? This is where the SELECT INTO @Variable syntax comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of using SELECT INTO @Variable in SQL Server, exploring its syntax, use cases, and best practices.

SQL Server SELECT INTO @variable

In the SQL Server, it is important to manage query results effectively. Although there is no direct “SELECT INTO [variable]” syntax, you can use the “SET” statement to assign query results to variables. This gives you more flexibility and control when managing data in T-SQL scripts or stored procedures.

The syntax for SELECT INTO @variable

DECLARE @VariableName DataType;

SELECT @VariableName = ColumnName
FROM TableName
WHERE Conditions;


  • DECLARE @VariableName DataType: This line declares a variable with a specified data type.
  • SELECT @VariableName = ColumnName: This line assigns the value of a specific column from the result set of the SELECT query to the declared variable.
  • FROM TableName: Specifies the table from which to retrieve data.
  • WHERE Conditions: Optional conditions to filter the data being retrieved.

As we have understood the syntax of the SELECT INTO and lets start with the use cases and example.

1. Storing Single Values

SELECT INTO @Variable is handy when we need to store a single value retrieved from a table. For instance, fetching the count of records meeting certain criteria and storing it for further processing.


Let’s retrieve the total count of products in the Product table and store it in a variable for later use.

DECLARE @TotalProducts INT;

SELECT @TotalProducts = COUNT(*)
FROM Production.Product;

SELECT @TotalProducts AS TotalProducts


Figure 1 :We are storing single values in our variable.

Explanation: Here we have declared table variable @TotalProducts which has int datatype and we have inserted the total count of all records of our table and in the last query we have selected the table variable as TotalProducts and we can use it later in our procedure or function.

2. Assigning Results of Aggregate Functions

We can utilize this syntax to assign the result of an aggregate function, such as SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), or MIN(), to a variable for subsequent computations.


Suppose we want to calculate the total sales amount for a specific product and store it in a variable.


SELECT @TotalSales = SUM(SalesOrderDetail.OrderQty * SalesOrderDetail.UnitPrice)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
JOIN Production.Product ON SalesOrderDetail.ProductID = Product.ProductID
WHERE Product.Name = 'Mountain-500 Black, 48';


Figure 2 : We have assigned SUM function data to our variable.

Explanation: Here we have calculated little complex data based on join and stored it in the variable and we can use that variable to calculate further values.

3. Retrieving Scalar Values

If your query returns a single value, such as the result of a calculation or a configuration setting, SELECT INTO @Variable can capture and store it efficiently.


Assume we want to retrieve the standard cost of a specific product and store it in a variable.

DECLARE @StandardCost MONEY;

SELECT @StandardCost = StandardCost
FROM Production.Product
WHERE Name = 'Mountain-500 Black, 48';

SELECT @StandardCost AS StandardCost


Figure 3 : We have retrieved scaler values.

Explanation: Here we’re retrieving a single value directly from a specific column in a table and storing it in a variable. This is useful when you need to capture a specific piece of data, like a configuration setting, a constant value, or any scalar value stored in the database.

4. Handling Dynamic Queries

In scenarios where you dynamically generate SQL queries and need to capture specific values from the result set, using SELECT INTO @Variable can simplify your code and enhance readability.


Suppose we have a table storing various discounts for different customer types, and we want to dynamically retrieve the discount for a specific customer type.

DECLARE @CustomerType NVARCHAR(50);
DECLARE @Discount DECIMAL(5, 2);

SET @CustomerType = 'Volume Discount';

SET @DynamicSQL = 'SELECT @Discount = DiscountPct FROM Sales.SpecialOffer WHERE Type = @CustomerType';

EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicSQL, N'@Discount DECIMAL(5, 2) OUTPUT, @CustomerType NVARCHAR(50)', @Discount OUTPUT, @CustomerType;

SELECT @Discount AS 'Volume Discount';


Figure 4 : We have dynamically handed using table variable.

Explanation: So, essentially, we’re dynamically generating and executing a SQL query to retrieve specific data based on our input, rather than having a fixed query written out. This allows us to handle different scenarios or requirements without needing to write multiple versions of the same query.

But we always need best practices while implementing things. So lets get into deeper to understand the best practices.

Best Practices

1. Data Type Consistency

Ensure that the data type of the variable matches the data type of the column being assigned. Mismatched data types may lead to unexpected behavior or errors.

Use the appropriate data type for variables to avoid truncation or loss of precision.

2. Error Handling

Implement robust error handling mechanisms, especially when dealing with NULL values or unexpected result sets.

Use TRY…CATCH blocks to handle potential exceptions gracefully. This helps in capturing errors and managing them effectively without causing the script to terminate abruptly.

3. Performance Considerations

Evaluate the performance implications of using SELECT INTO @Variable, especially for large result sets.

Understand that using variables to store large result sets may consume memory and affect performance, particularly in high-traffic or resource-constrained environments.

Consider alternatives such as temporary tables or table variables for better performance in certain scenarios.

4. Scope and Lifetime of Variables

Be mindful of the scope and lifetime of variables. Variables declared within a batch or stored procedure are only accessible within that scope.

Avoid using variables with a broader scope than necessary to prevent unintended side effects or conflicts with other parts of the code.

5. Security Considerations

Guard against SQL injection attacks by validating and sanitizing user input, especially when constructing dynamic SQL queries that include variable values.

Limit access to sensitive data or operations by using appropriate permissions and access controls.


In summary, mastering SELECT INTO @Variable in SQL Server offers developers a powerful means to efficiently handle data retrieval and manipulation within T-SQL scripts. By grasping its syntax and adhering to best practices, developers can seamlessly store single values, manage dynamic queries, and ensure data integrity. However, it’s essential to prioritize performance considerations, maintain consistency in data types, and implement robust error handling mechanisms. Through clear code readability, rigorous testing, and security awareness, developers can harness the full potential of SELECT INTO @Variable to craft resilient and scalable database solutions that meet the needs of modern applications.

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