SQL Query to Find all the Students with Marks Greater than Average Marks

Query in SQL is like a statement that performs a task. Here, we need to write a query to find all the students whose marks are greater than the average marks of students.

We will first create a database named “Beginner” then we will create a table “Students” in that database.

Create a Database:

We can create a Database using the command:


So let’s create a Beginner database as shown below:


Using Database:

Use the below command to use the Beginner database:

USE Beginner;

Adding table into Database:

To add a table into the database we use the below command:

Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name (Attribute_name datatype...);

So, let’s create a students table within the Beginner database as shown below:

Id int,
Name varchar(20),
TotalMarks int);

Here Table Added Successfully.

To see the description of the table:

EXEC sp_columns Students;

Inserting values into Tables:

For inserting records into the table we can use the below command:

Syntax: INSERT INTO table_name(column1,
                column 3,.....)
                 VALUES( value1,

So let’s add some records to the students table:

INSERT INTO Students VALUES (1,'Neha',90);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (2,'Sahil',50);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (3,'Rohan',70);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (4,'Ankita',80);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (5,'Rahul',65);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (6,'Swati',55);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (7,'Alka',75);

Now let us print the data available in the table using the SELECT statement as shown below:

SELECT * FROM department;

Note: Here * represents all. If we execute this query, the entire table will be displayed.

Output :

The query for the data:

Use the below syntax for querying for all students with greater marks than the average of the class:

SELECT column1 FROM table_name
WHERE column2 > (SELECT AVG(
FROM table_name);

Now use the above syntax to make the query on our students table as shown below:

SELECT Name FROM Students WHERE TotalMarks > (SELECT AVG(TotalMarks) FROM Students);


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