SQL | Alternative Quote Operator

This post is a continuation of the SQL Concatenation Operator.

Now, suppose we want to use apostrophe in our literal value but we can’t use it directly.

See Incorrect code:
SELECT id, first_name, last_name, salary,
first_name||’ has salary’s ‘||salary
AS “new” FROM one

So above we are getting error, because Oracle server thinking that the first apostrophe is for the starting literal and the second apostrophe is for the ending literal, so what about the third apostrophe???. That’s why we get error.

Alternative Quote Operator(q)

To overcome the above problem Oracle introduce an operator known as Alternative Quote Operator(q).

Let’s see through an example:

Query that uses Alternative Quote Operator(q)
SELECT id, first_name, last_name, salary,
first_name||q'{ has salary's }'||salary 
AS "new" FROM myTable
See, we are able to use apostrophe in the
new column as a literal value of myTable 

3    Shane     Watson     50000    Shane has salary's 50000
1    Rajat     Rawat      10000    Rajat has salary's 10000
2    Beginner     ForBeginner   20000    Beginner has salary's 20000
3    MS        Dhoni      90000    MS    has salary's 90000

Here above see, q'{ indicates starting of our literal value and then we use }’ which indicates end of our literal value. So see here we have used apostrophe in our literal value easily(means we easily use ‘s in salary) without any error that’s why we get output as Rajat has salary‘s 50000.

So to use apostrophe in literal we first need to use q which is known as alternative quote operator after that we need to use an apostrophe and after that we need to use a delimiter and after delimiter we write our literal value, when we finished writing our literal value then again we need to close the delimiter which we have opened before and after that we need to put an apostrophe again and hence in this way we can use apostrophe in our literal value. This concept is known as Alternative Quote Operator(q).

We can use any character such as {, <, (, [, ! or any character as delimiter. These characters are known as delimiters.

1 another example


Without using Quote Operator:

Here we get Error since we are using apostrophe in our literal value directly.

Error code below:
SELECT id, name, dept, name||' work's in '||dept||'
 department' AS "work" FROM myTable2

Using Quote Operator:
SELECT id, name, dept, name||q'[ work’s in ‘]’||dept||’
department’ AS “work” FROM myTable2

See, we are able to use apostrophe in the 
work column as a literal value of myTable2 

ID NAME      DEPT           work
1  RR       Executive  RR work's in 'Executive department
2  GFG      HR         GFG work's in 'HR department
3  Steve    Sales      Steve work's in 'Sales department
4  Bhuvi    CSE        Bhuvi work's in 'CSE department

Here above see, q'[ indicates starting of our literal value and the we use ]’ which indicate end of our literal value. So see here we have used apostrophe in our literal value easily(means we easily use ‘s in work) without any error that’s why we get output as RR work’s in Executive Department.]

Here above we use [ as delimiter so it is not a limitation in using delimiter means we can use any character as delimiter.

About Alternative Quote Operator,
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