Spring Boot Annotations – @JmsListener, @Retryable, @RSocketMessageMapping, @ConstructorBinding, and @Slf4j

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building modern, scalable, and efficient Java applications. One of the key features of Spring Boot is its extensive use of annotations, which simplify the process of configuring and deploying Spring-based applications. In this article, we will explore some of the latest Spring Boot annotations and how they can be used effectively in a Spring Boot application.

1. @JmsListener

The @JmsListener annotation is used to define a listener endpoint for JMS messages in a Spring Boot application. This annotation is typically used in conjunction with a JMS messaging system such as Apache ActiveMQ, IBM MQ, or RabbitMQ, to consume messages sent to a specific JMS destination (e.g., a queue or topic).

To use the @JmsListener annotation, you must first configure a ‘ConnectionFactory’ and a ‘JmsListenerContainerFactory’ bean in your Spring Boot application. The ‘ConnectionFactory’ bean is used to create JMS connections, while the ‘JmsListenerContainerFactory‘ bean is used to create a listener container that can receive messages from the JMS destination.

Once you have configured the necessary beans, you can use the ‘@JmsListener’ annotation to define a method that will be invoked when a JMS message is received. The ‘@JmsListener’ annotation accepts a value parameter that specifies the JMS destination to listen to, as well as optional parameters such as ‘containerFactory’ and ‘subscription’.


public class MyJmsListenerService {
    @JmsListener(destination = "my.queue")
    public void handleMessage(String message) {
        System.out.println("Received JMS message: " + message);

In this example, the ‘MyJmsListenerService‘ class defines a method called ‘handleMessage‘ annotated with ‘@JmsListener‘, which will listen to messages sent to the ‘my.queue‘  JMS destination. When a message is received, the ‘handleMessage‘ method will be invoked, and the message will be printed to the console.

2. @Retryable

The ‘@Retryable’ annotation is used to automatically retry a failed method in a Spring Boot application. This annotation can be useful in situations where a method may fail due to external factors such as network issues, and you want to retry the method a certain number of times before giving up.

To use the ‘@Retryable’ annotation, you must first configure a ‘RetryTemplate’ bean in your Spring Boot application. The ‘RetryTemplate’ bean is used to control the behavior of the retry, such as the number of times to retry, the delay between retries, and the exception types that should trigger a retry.

Once you have configured the ‘RetryTemplate’ bean, you can use the ‘@Retryable’ annotation to annotate a method that you want to retry. The ‘@Retryable’ annotation accepts optional parameters such as ‘value’, ‘maxAttempts’, ‘backoff’, and ‘include’. The ‘value’ parameter specifies the exception types that should trigger a retry, while the ‘maxAttempts’ parameter specifies the maximum number of times to retry the method.


public class MyService {
    @Retryable(maxAttempts = 3, value = {MyCustomException.class, AnotherCustomException.class})
    public void doSomething() throws MyCustomException, AnotherCustomException {
        // Method implementation

In this example, the ‘MyService’ class defines a method called ‘doSomething’ annotated with ‘@Retryable’. This method will be retried up to three times if it throws either a ‘MyCustomException’ or an ‘AnotherCustomException’.

3. @RSocketMessageMapping

The ‘@RSocketMessageMapping’ annotation is used to define a handler method for RSocket messages in a Spring Boot application. This annotation is used in conjunction with the RSocket protocol, which is a binary protocol for building reactive streams over a network.

To use the ‘@RSocketMessageMapping’ annotation, you must first configure an ‘RSocket’ bean in your Spring Boot application. The ‘RSocket’ bean is used to establish a connection to an RSocket server or client.

Once you have configured the ‘RSocket’ bean, you can use the ‘@RSocketMessageMapping’ annotation to define a method that will be invoked when an RSocket message is received. The ‘@RSocketMessageMapping’ annotation accepts a value parameter that specifies the RSocket route to listen to, as well as optional parameters such as ‘dataMimeType’ and ‘metadataMimeType’.


public class MyRSocketController {
    public Mono<String> handleMessage(Payload payload) {
        return Mono.just("Hello, " + payload.getDataUtf8() + "!");

In this example, the ‘MyRSocketController’ class defines a method called ‘handleMessage’ annotated with ‘@RSocketMessageMapping’, which will listen to messages sent to the ‘my.route’ RSocket route. When a message is received, the ‘handleMessage’ method will be invoked with the ‘Payload’ object, and it will return a ‘Mono’ containing a greeting message.

4. @ConstructorBinding

The ‘@ConstructorBinding’ annotation is used to indicate that a constructor should be used for binding properties to a configuration class in a Spring Boot application. By default, Spring Boot uses setters to bind configuration properties, but using constructors can provide a more concise and immutable way to create configuration objects.

To use the ‘@ConstructorBinding’ annotation, you must first define a configuration class with constructor parameters annotated with ‘@ConfigurationProperties’. Then, you can annotate the configuration class with ‘@ConstructorBinding’ to indicate that the constructor should be used for binding.


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp")
public class MyAppProperties {
    private final String name;
    private final int port;
    public MyAppProperties(String name, int port) {
        this.name = name;
        this.port = port;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public int getPort() {
        return port;

In this example, the ‘MyAppProperties’ class is a configuration class with constructor parameters for ‘name’ and ‘port’. The class is annotated with ‘@ConfigurationProperties’ to specify the prefix of the configuration properties to bind, and with ‘@ConstructorBinding’ to indicate that the constructor should be used for binding.

Now, you can use the ‘MyAppProperties’ class to inject the configuration properties into your Spring Boot application:


public class MyService {
    private final MyAppProperties appProperties;
    public MyService(MyAppProperties appProperties) {
        this.appProperties = appProperties;
    // ...

In this example, the ‘MyService’ class injects the ‘MyAppProperties’ configuration class using its constructor. Spring Boot will automatically create an instance of ‘MyAppProperties’ using the constructor parameters specified in the class definition.

5. @Slf4j

The ‘@Slf4j’ annotation is used to automatically generate a logger field in a class using the SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) logging framework. This annotation is part of the Lombok library, which is commonly used in Spring Boot applications to reduce boilerplate code. To use the ‘@Slf4j’ annotation, you simply annotate a class with ‘@Slf4j’:


public class MyService {
    // ...

In this example, the ‘MyService’ class is annotated with ‘@Slf4j’, which generates a logger field named ‘log’ at compile time. This allows you to use the logger in the class without having to manually create it:


public void doSomething() {
    log.debug("Doing something...");

In this example, the ‘doSomething’ method uses the log field to ‘log’ a debug message. 

Note: Note that the ‘@Slf4j’ annotation is just a shorthand for creating a logger field using the SLF4J framework. If you prefer to use a different logging framework, you can manually create a logger field using that framework instead.


In conclusion, Spring Boot provides a wide range of annotations that can simplify the development of applications. In this article, we’ve covered some of the latest annotations in Spring Boot:

  • @JmsListener for consuming messages from a JMS (Java Message Service) queue or topic.
  • @Retryable for retrying failed method invocations.
  • @RSocketMessageMapping for mapping RSocket requests to handler methods.
  • @ConstructorBinding for binding configuration properties to constructor arguments.
  • @Slf4j for generating a logger object.

These annotations can greatly simplify the development of Spring Boot applications by providing common functionality with minimal configuration. By using these annotations, developers can focus on implementing business logic and leave infrastructure concerns to Spring Boot.

However, it’s important to note that these annotations should be used appropriately and with an understanding of their underlying functionality. Overuse or misuse of annotations can lead to overly complex and difficult-to-maintain code. Therefore, it’s important to use annotations judiciously and to understand their impact on your application.

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