SPACE() function in SQL Server

This function in SQL Server helps to return a string that has a specified number of spaces. This function is also available in MYSQL with the same name.

Syntax :


Parameters :
This function accepts only one parameter.

  • number –
    It demotes the number of spaces.

Returns :

  • If the number is positive, the function will return a string that has a specified number of spaces.
  • If the number is negative, the function will return NULL.

Applicable in the following versions :

  • SQL Server 2017
  • SQL Server 2016
  • SQL Server 2014
  • SQL Server 2012
  • SQL Server 2008 R2
  • SQL Server 2008
  • SQL Server 2005

Example-1 :
Basic working of SPACE() function, the function will return 5 blank spaces.

AS Result;

Output :
The function will return 5 blank spaces.

‘     ‘

Example-2 :
Concatenating 2 or more strings using SPACE() function.

  • Concatenating 2 strings using the SPACE() function, we take 2 strings and assign specific spaces in between.
    SELECT 'HI!' + SPACE(6) + 'NiceToSeeYou' 
    AS Result;

    Output :

    HI! NiceToSeeYou
  • Concatenating 3 strings using SPACE() function, we take 2 strings and assign specific spaces among them.
    SELECT 'Beginner' + SPACE(5) + 'FOR'+ SPACE(5) +'Beginner' AS Result;

    Output :

    Beginner     FOR Beginner

Example-3 :
If the user enters a negative number as an argument, then the function will return NULL.

AS Result;

Output :


Example-4 :
Working of SPACE() function with variable, we use variable along with SPACE() function.

DECLARE @space_Size int
SET @space_Size = 7
SELECT 'KeepChasing' + SPACE(@space_size) + 'YourDreams' 
AS Result;

Output :

KeepChasing       Your Dreams

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