Sopra Steria Interview Experience | Set 3(For Software trainee 2018)

Round 1: Technical Round

The first round start with the technical questions there was something around 30 MCQ questions and enough time to solve for it. The questions were based on C/C++, Flowchart based code logic (example for loop) and SQL. In C++  there some algorithm written in C. You need to be familiar with this language in order to solve for it.

SQL questions were pretty easy if just take a look from w3schools you would be able to do it. But again the C questions were sort of mind cracking. If you are not into C++ then this is not your place.

The total students who sitted for the exam were around 230+ and after round total was 100.

Round 2: 

This company has its 2nd round as an aptitude but these are not some percentage/profit loss/average questions. These were based on flowcharts and they were really mind kicky. There were 12 questions and 75 minutes and if you lost a path you had to do that again. This was the toughest aptitude I ever had not because of level of questions but because of the pattern. Somewhere I knew if I could clear it out I would definitely be able to go till end.
You could google it yourself on questions based on flowchart aptitude and can have a glimpse of it.

Somehow I did 10/12 of questions and 10 minutes earlier and when the screen showed a green tick I was very relaxed and composed.

At the end total changed to 40.

Round 3:

The round 3 starts with the GD round and was quite simple and believe me none gets rejected. You would be given 30 seconds to tell about yourself and 1 minute to speak on the topic.

You can only be rejected if you don’t speak. Just say anything you can have views from others and repeat it again.

After GD total was 37.

Round 4:

This was the HR round and was sort of just about to introduce yourself and are you ready to join the company and sign a bond for 3 years on joining.

You don’t need to worry about it because no one gets rejected in it as total remained 37.

Round 5:

This was the technical round and was held at the office itself. Out of 37 selected only 27 showed up for the interview.
The interview was simple it had your project related questions, questions from your resume, link list reversal, goto 2nd last element of a link list, basic programming questions.

They also gave a free meal to us and the food was okay.

Out of 27 there 23 selected for the job. The joining would start from mid-august.

Just clear the technical+Aptitude rest the job is yours.

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