Solubility Product – Definition, Formula, Significance

Solubility Product Constant, denoted as Ksp is an equilibrium constant which quantifies how much of a solute substance can dissolve in water. Solubility Product (Ksp) aims to explain the maximum amount of substances (solutes) that can dissolve in water (solvents) at a given temperature. it depends on the temperature, its value increases with the increase in temperature, which increases solubility. This article aims to learn Ksp, exploring its principles, formulas, constants, and practical applications.

Table of Content

  • What is Solubility Product?
  • Formula for Solubility Product
  • Solubility Product Constant
  • How to Calculate Solubility Product Constant?
  • Solubility Product and Ionic Product
  • Significance of the Solubility Product:

What is Solubility?

Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent, usually water. Solubility is defined as the ability of a substance(solute) to get dissolved in a solvent for the formation of a solution. Some substances dissolve readily, forming a homogeneous solution, while others might show limited or no solubility, leading to the formation of precipitates.

Salts are divided into three categories based on their solubility.



Solubility > 0.1M


Slightly Soluble

0.01 < Solubility < 0.1M


Sparingly Soluble

Solubility << 0.1M

The above table explains solubility and how it is defined into three different categories, soluble, slightly soluble, and sparingly soluble substances.

What is Solubility Product?

Solubility Product, denoted as Ksp, is the equilibrium constant that defines how sparingly soluble compounds behave when immersed in water. Solubility Product can be defined as the maximum product of a molar concentration of ions, raised to their powers produced due to dissociation of compound.

In other words, Solubility Product is an indication of solubility. Low value of solubility product indicates low or decreased solubility while high value of solubility product indicates high solubility. At a given temperature, Solubility Product is Constant.

Principle of Solubility Product

The principle of solubility product is rooted in the concept of equilibrium. For a sparingly soluble salt like silver chloride (AgCl), when it dissolves in water, it forms silver ions (Ag+) and chloride ions (Cl). The equilibrium expression for this process is represented as:

AgCl (s) ⇌ Ag + (aq) + Cl (aq)

This leads to the Ksp expression: Ksp= [Ag+] × [Cl]. This represents the equilibrium concentration of Silver and chloride ions in solution at a constant temperature. At 25 degree Celsius, its Solubility Product Constant is approximately 1.77 × 10−10. This indicates at equilibrium, Solubility of silver chloride is low in water,

Formula for Solubility Product

The general formula for the solubility product (Ksp) is given by the product of the concentrations of the dissociated ions raised to the power of their respective coefficients in a balanced chemical equation.

Ksp=[A nB m]

Solubility Product Constant

Solubility Product Constant (Ksp) explains how sparingly soluble compounds behave in solution. Let’s understand more about Ksp and its significance.

Imagine you have a jar of water with some sugar crystals at the bottom. As you stir the water, the sugar dissolves until a point where no more sugar can dissolve, leaving some undissolved crystals at the bottom. This point is known as saturation. Similarly, when a sparingly soluble compound, like silver chloride (AgCl), is added to water, it reaches a point where no more solid compound can dissolve, leading to a saturated solution. The equilibrium established between the dissolved ions and the undissolved solid is defined by the Solubility Product Constant, or Ksp.

Value of Solubility Product Constant for Various Substances:

Ksp vary for different compounds, for instance, Ksp for calcium sulfate (CaSO4) is different from that of silver iodide (AgI). These values are experimentally determined and help predict the solubility behavior of compounds. Following Table Shows Values of Solubility Product Constant at 25 degrees Celsius with their solubility behavior.


Chemical Formula

Ksp Value at 25°C

Solubility Behavior

Silver Sulfide



Very low solubility (insoluble) in water

Silver Chloride


1.77 × 10−10

Sparingly soluble; forms a white precipitate in solution

Calcium Sulfate


9.1 × 10−6

Moderately soluble; common mineral in nature

Lead Iodide


7.9 × 10−9

Sparingly soluble; yellow precipitate in solution

Barium Carbonate


5.1 × 10−9

Sparingly soluble; forms a white precipitate in aqueous solutions

Silver Nitrate


1.77 × 10-5

Highly soluble; dissociates completely in water

How to Calculate Solubility Product Constant?

To calculate Ksp, you need the equilibrium concentrations of the ions in a saturated solution. These values are typically obtained through experiments, allowing scientists to determine the solubility product constant for a given substance.

Consider the following example,

Calculate the solubility product constant for silver chloride (AgCl) given that the concentration of Ag+ ions is 1.5×10 −5M and Cl ions is 2.0×10−5M.

First, We need equilibrium equation of silver chloride which will be Ksp = [Ag+]×[Cl], we have concentration given, let us substitute the values.

Ksp = (1.5×10−5)×(2.0×10−5)

Ksp = 3.0×10 −10

Solubility Product and Ionic Product

The solubility product (Ksp) is closely related to the ionic product (Qsp). Solubility product refers to the equilibrium constant for sparingly soluble salt while ionic product refers to current state and predicts if precipitation will occur. If the Qsp is less than Ksp, the solution is unsaturated, and no precipitation occurs. However, if Qsp exceeds Ksp, precipitation occurs until equilibrium is re-established.

Significance of the Solubility Product:

The Solubility Product Constant (Ksp) holds immense significance in chemistry:

  • Maximum Saturation: Ksp defines the maximum amount of a solute that can dissolve in a solvent, setting the saturation point.
  • Predicting Precipitation: By comparing Ksp with the Ionic Product (Qsp), we can predict whether a precipitate will form or remain dissolved in a solution.
  • Maintaining Equilibrium: Ksp helps us understand the delicate equilibrium between dissolved ions and their solid form, ensuring a stable solution state.
  • Environmental Effects : It is also used to understand the solubility of pollutants in water and soil which helps in environmental aspects of livelihood.

Applications of Solubility Product

The knowledge of solubility products finds applications in various fields, including analytical chemistry, environmental science, and pharmaceuticals. It helps in predicting the formation of precipitates and understanding the behavior of electrolytes in solution.

Ksp finds wide-ranging applications in chemistry, including:

  • Precipitation Reactions: Predicting the formation of precipitates in chemical reactions.
  • Analytical Chemistry: Determining the concentration of ions in unknown solutions.
  • Environmental Science: Understanding water quality and pollution control.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Formulating drugs with controlled solubility for effective delivery.
  • Metallurgy: Assessing the extraction of metals from ores.
  • Food Chemistry: Controlling solubility for food additives and preservatives.

Conclusion on Solubility Product (Ksp)

In conclusion, the concept of solubility product is vital in equilibrium dynamics of sparingly soluble compounds in solution. It provides valuable insights into the dissolution and precipitation processes, contributing to the broader understanding of chemical reactions.

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Solved Examples on Solubility Product Constant:

Calculate the solubility product constant for silver chloride (AgCl) given that the concentration of Ag+ ions is 1.5×10 −5M and Cl ions is 2.0×10−5M.

Ksp = [Ag+]×[Cl]

Ksp = (1.5×10−5)×(2.0×10−5)

Ksp = 3.0×10 −10

Calculate the Molar Solubility for calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) given that the solubility product constant for calcium hydroxide is 6.7 X 10-6

Ca(OH)2 = Ca2 + 2OH

Ksp = Ca2+OH2

Let x be molar solubility and Ca2+ = x and OH = 2x

6.7 × 10-7 = 4x 3

Now substitute x

x3= 6.7 × 10 -7

Calculate the solubility product constant for silver chloride (AgCl) given that the concentration of Ag+ ions is 0.5×10 −6M and Cl ions is 3.0×10−9M.

Ksp =[Ag+]×[Cl]

Ksp =( 0.5×10 −6M)×(3.0×10−9M)

How to Calculate Solubility Product Constant? Demystify the calculation of Ksp with an example. Consider silver chloride (AgCl) with [Ag+]=2.4×10−5M and [Cl-]=1.0×10−5M.

Ksp = Ag+ × Cl

Ksp = (2.4×10−5)×(1.0×10−5)

Ksp = 2.4×10−10

Practice Problems on Solubility Product Constant:

1. Determine the solubility product constant for lead iodide (PbI2) with a solubility of 1.2× 10-7 M.

2. Calculate the Ksp for barium carbonate (BaCO3) with a solubility of 4.0×10−6M.

3. Find the Ksp for silver nitrate (AgNO3) with [Ag+]=1.0×10 −3M.

4. Silver Bromide (AgBr): Determine the Ksp for silver bromide with a solubility of 2.5×10−6M.

5. Iron(II) Sulfide (FeS): Calculate the Ksp for iron(II) sulfide with a solubility of 8.0×10−11M.

Frequently Asked Questions on Solubility Product

What is the effect of temperature solubility product constant?

Generally, an increase in temperature leads to an increase in solubility, affecting the Ksp value.

What is the meaning of the value of Ksp =0?

Ksp value of zero indicates complete insolubility, which is rare.

What is the significance of Ksp in predicting precipitates?

Ksp helps predict the maximum concentration of ions in a saturated solution, indicating the likelihood of precipitate formation.

What is the difference between Ksp and solubility of a compound?

Ksp is a specific constant for a given compound, representing the equilibrium position, while solubility describes the overall tendency of a substance to dissolve in a solvent.

What are the factors affecting Ksp values ?

Ksp values can vary with factors such as temperature, pressure, and ionic strength of the solution.

What is the difference between Ksp and the rate of dissolution?

Ksp is related to the equilibrium state, while the rate of dissolution depends on factors such as surface area and stirring.

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